The Ever Changing eWorld: Day 550

Day 550, 13:28 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Today is day 550, and man there are quite a few happenings today. The Swedish war against Germany intensifies, and it looks as though the country is sunk. Sweden has conquered Lower Saxony, while Poland has conquered both Brandenburg and Saxony. Germany had some luck however in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania which was besieged by Sweden earlier on today, and secured by Germany for the second time. That’s two for Germany, two for Sweden and two for Poland.

The Donbas region has passed to Russian control and Pakistan has once again become a country after liberating the Punjab. It would appear that PEACE is returning all territories to their original owners. (The resistance war in Punjab was lead by tebo1981, a prominent Indonesian politician.) The question is will Indonesia be willing to hand over the lucrative Siberian regions to Russia, or do they intend to keep it for themselves?

Japan has launched a string of offensives on South-Korea and has conquered the Chungcheongnam-do and Gyeonggi-do regions. In South America, Argentinia has wrestled Mesopotamia (I always thought that was in Iraq) away from Brazilian control.

eGobbas map of day 548 is available here.
The map of day 550 is available on their website here.