The end of lulz proposals

Day 1,100, 11:23 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

This article may concern only me, but am writing to mark the end of a long-time strategy in this game. You probably didn't notice this unless you're in Congress, but lulz proposals died today.

Admin sent a message to all congressmen this morning, saying the following:

Honorable Congress Member,

We are writing this message in order to let you know that we have removed the experience points Congress Members receive when voting laws for their country.

This change was required because our data shows that some Congress Members are abusing this system to get the reward. We strongly consider that the only purpose of the Country Administration module is to administrate the country in the best interest of your fellow citizens.

The experience points gained until now will not be affected.

Thank you for your support and understanding,

Your eRepublik team

In congresses around the world, the end of each term has historically been filled with what most call lulz proposals, proposals made that aren't intended to pass.

USA Example
Serbia Example

Every congressman in the world gets a limit of two proposals per term, but if they go unused, you still only get two the following month (if re-elected). Since voting on a proposal used to give you experience points, people in every Congress would make proposals that weren't supposed to pass. As selfish as this might sound, I've long-defended lulz proposals as a strategy. In the USA at least, Congress is filled with people who will use the extra treasure maps (from advancing up a level due to experience points) on either extra funds for fighting, resulting in more damage, or donate them to the military or a militia.

Now, lulz proposals are literally useless. This is a good thing long-term, as newer and not-as-informed players will no longer be confused by all the unnecessary proposals. Also, there were some lulz proposals that could harm a country, like a bad donation, money issuing or impeachment.

While I agree with the decision, it does selfishly bring a tear to my eye though. Lulz proposals were fun, and allowed an alternate path to high experience for those of us who don't use gold for health packs and tanking. Look at the highest-ranked citizens in the world, they're all known for being fighters. In the USA, someone like me who's been in Congress forever was able to get in the Top 10 even though I never spend gold on health packs (I buy food for lots of battles, but if I run out of the 300 wellness allotment, that's it).

Also, does anyone remember when the admins used to publish rule changes in a newspaper? Whatever happened to that? I liked that better than personal messages to people.