The Economist ~ PANAM and my path ahead.

Day 1,193, 07:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends,

It has been a while since I have written an article, but in light of recent decisions made by the UK congress, I feel it is necessary to clarify my views.

Firstly: on loyalty. No doubt citizens of both the UK and Serbia are wondering where my allegiance really lies. The answer to that is that loyalty does not come into this at all. My loyalty is now, and has always been, to my friends. This is, if anything, an issue of honour. Honour and reliability are the two most important aspects of leadership in this game. My personal honour means that if my worst enemy gave me his gold to look after, I would do so without a thought of stealing. If they told me their secrets, I would keep them.

It is no secret that I have semi-retired from the game. I was a founder and central figure in Phoenix for a year, and now I feel that a lot of who I am is still connected to the former members of the old alliance. I don’t actually care about war at all. Battles hold no interest for me, and never have. Any former Phoenix country can ask for my help and I will give it as much as I can. In short, the modern political world as it stands is not the world I care for, and I am now mainly devoted to the economics side of the game, understanding it better, and hopefully developing it for the better.

On the direct issue of the PANAM vote, I personally disagree with it. Not because I think that joining PANAM was necessarily a bad idea, but the timing was bad for the vote. It was rushed through with little preparation for our decision. Both the Serbian and British public were caught off-guard by the statement yesterday, and that has resulted in fallout similar to that Britain got from the eUSA at the end of ATLANTIS- which was unnecessary.

I have read a lot of comments about how the UK has betrayed Serbia, or NWO. Really this isn’t true. At the end of ATLANTIS the UK was given the choice of joining FORTIS, the North American bloc, or PEACE, the global superpower that defeated ATLANTIS in the end. Understandably they chose PEACE, but because the USA and Canada were former allies, they got a lot of bad press from the North Americans for spurning their offer. In the current situation, the UK was given the choice of either membership of PANAM, or of continuing neutrality.

Given the rental deal with Serbia, neutrality would be a statement of rejection of PANAM. This would be a poor choice for the UK, since NWO have not offered membership. Trading membership of an alliance for the “protection” of another wouldn’t be a decision many countries would choose. Although PANAM has some internal issues, and have a strong USA element which makes many uncomfortable, there was little choice given to the UK.

As most of you know, I am currently a government member in Serbia. I love Serbia, I have more friends there than any other country. I know the Serbians for what they are: trustworthy, steadfast and honourable. Even in the past when their allies have acted dishonourably, the Serbians have always protected their friends and done their best for others.

"A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world." - Lois Wyse

Where the UK goes from here, I cannot tell you. However I plan to continue doing what I do now: helping those who ask, working with my friends, and honouring the trust of those who need help. I hope that has cleared a few things up.

Iain Keers