The Economist ~ Dispatches from the UK

Day 1,811, 09:22 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends,

I noticed a lot of people were doing "pictures of my city/country" articles. I was talking about it to Arrlo the other day in #a-team and he started bugging me to make one. Well I'm not exactly the best person to do it, since I'm not a nationalist by nature and I'm always more in love with the unknown than the known, but I've bashed something together. The UK is a country many people have on their list of countries to visit, and if you don't- you should. And please, don't just go to London. London is amazing, unique and all-consuming, but it's not the whole UK, only a tiny bit of it.

As I wrote this article I found myself falling back in love with the UK. We're in a pretty unique situation, with our thousand years of continuous rule just a few decades away. A country which was ancient even before the Romans arrived, ruled by successive High Kings, Dux Brittanium, Kings, Queens and even one Lord Protector. We're a country which has always been at war yet has maintained peace and the rule of law at home. A country where corruption and nepotism are despised and security, duty and loyalty are the most prized virtues. A country unafraid to embrace new ideas whilst protecting our traditions and values. A country which has been at the edge of innovation and a country which has stamped it's mark so thoroughly on the world most people don't recognise it.

In the 13th century the UK's oldest laws were passed (that are still in effect today) which establish courts not noblemen as the source of justice, which establish the right to a fair trial, establish parliamentary sovereignty, establish the right to vote without molestation. Until the 1830s violating these laws was punishable by death, and quite a few people did meet grisly ends for trying to circumvent the law, including a King and quite a few noblemen. Since King John was forced by his subjects to sign the Magna Carta granting limited democracy, the power of people in the UK has grown and we were one of the first countries to grant true suffrage. Since then the UK has almost aggressively pursued greater democracy, and now is one of the freest countries in the world

Anyway, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

If I may, some theme music

This is the one and only time I'll say this, but if you don't like the UK don't bother posting to tell me. I'm British, so I really don't care, and as a nation love is the one thing we do not crave.

For those of you who do, and are still reading, here is one more bit of music to finish it off
