The Dawn of New Era

Day 2,386, 17:21 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

Barely two weeks since the last article, and we have more unrest in the party. Goku, the elected acting leader serving as Vice Party President, decided to leave the party. This comes during an already difficult period for us, and is most disappointing to me to think people who voted for him (I was one) may feel our vote was wasted by backing the wrong guy.

I would like to say I feel quite strongly that we voted for what we saw, and that was someone who looked like the best person for the job, with the ability to produce fancy articles, talk with our compatriots in the political scene and has a commendable history on paper, demonstrating potential experience. So we did actually do the right thing, at the time. Now however, I believe we need to focus more on people who will stay the course.

I'm going to resist endorsing anyone, as I'm concerned by the very real threat that subversive elements from either TUP or Vendetta may choose to act against us. We attract derision from all sides, but we posses something that makes both main parties scared - the moral high-ground and a desire to reform, learning from our collective mistakes. We have the potential to grow our membership from the disaffected members of both parties. We still represent one of the larger powers in eUK. Though activity on the battlefield and political engagement we have a distinct voice to be proud of.

We might have lost many players recently, most of whom are long standing friends of ours. However I reiterate, New Era and Vendetta are split only on methodology. We have the same drive, the same zeal, the same desire to succeed long-term as our brothers gone. We just believe that for the fight to be worthwhile, it has to be waged with honour. We cannot accept success by destroying that which we proclaim to hold dear. Nor elevate ourselves above adversaries clambering atop bloody bones of our brethren.

For this reason, even under the more difficult situation we find ourselves in now, I propose few simple guiding principles that any future leader of New Era must commit to following, a standard below which we never allow our leaders to explore again. As an elected member of our interim party management, I've formulated an outline, but it's to each and everyone of us to shape our shared policy. For this will be the benchmark we vote an antagonist of our values out of power long before they amass the momentum of a popularity vote.

New Era is essentially unchanged in it's core political stance. It would be correct to say a schism occurred when the previous leadership decided the response to ATO was to form another party and move everyone over, nullifying the effect of ATO.

The divide is simply that, those who left support the notion our party was attacked with PTO tactics by TUP. Those who remain believe ATO action was taken by the entire eUK against the threat that is the leadership component of NE.

New Era remains opposed to government by a self electing party which rules predominately under the banner of numbers of players attracting the player.

New Era remains opposed to political cronyism.

New Era is now opposed to the use of propaganda, coercion, suppression, abuse, attrition, vitriol, fabrication, trickery though - misuse of the written word, false logic, appeals of science or other bodies of respected fact outside of it's intended remit - against it's own members and any other citizen of eRepublik.

New Era is now a force in actively supporting eUK first and it's own political gains second.

Comments below will be worked into party policy where appropriate or otherwise discussed moving us forward together. Thankyou for reading.

TL😉R - If you're a party member this is important, it's your chance to make a party you'll be proud to remain a member of.