The changes of eRepublik

Day 1,186, 20:50 Published in USA USA by Professor Oak

Many of us, in these recent days, have seen large changes in this game. First, we got this shiny new interface to write our articles in. After this happened, people came buckets. No one thought that such a great change would happen, ever. If Lana was Function F then this change was F^(-1)

Despite this, the admin, in their glory, graced us once again. They then decided to update the tabs at the top of the screen. It became so much easier once this happened*. I don't even know a mathematical function that could express how AMAZING** this change was.

Us citizens, after that latest change, stopped hoping. We got everything that we wished for, with nothing unsatisfactory (I would like to take this time to thank the admin for their kindness to us poor players).


It got even better. The admin then instated a revolutionary change, where people can post things, and other people can comment on them. This change was great, and it [insert hyperbolic phrase] to the game.

This is amazingness.

▲ ▲

In seriousness, this last change is pretty cool, it makes the game more social.

Bye guys, I hope you didn't kill yourselves because you were on this instead of with a girl on the 14th

*When I say easier I mean practically nothing changed except it took longer to get to your newspaper
**Yes, caps and bold because it is that important.