The Canadian Armed Forces

Day 1,375, 19:04 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Today the Canadian Armed Forces will be having an interview with one of our newest members Sir Arthur William Currie. Although new in eCanada Sawc has already got a Battle Hero, has just been elected into Congress and is slowly but steadily moving his way up the line of command in the CAF....

Venoms: Sir Arthur William Currie I would like to thank you for joining us today.

SirArthurWilliamCurrie: Anytime Venoms

Venoms: What do you like most about the Canadian Armed Forces?

SirArthurWilliamCurrie: I like being apart of a fighting force and helping out our allies. I like the IRC channel and having fun on the forums, And the daily supply is also very nice. The possibility of being promoted and having new ranks is also something that intrigues me.

Venoms: Would you recommend the CAF to any new eCanadians?

SirArthurWilliamCurrie: Yes i would, it's a great place to learn how to play the game.

Venoms: Thanks for coming out today Sawc.

SirArthurWilliamCurrie: Anytime Venoms! I love getting active and participating in the eCanadian community and am excited to progress in the CAF and in Congress

So are you an active eCanadian without a home?(and by that i mean army/militia) Are you interested in getting daily supplies and the moving fee’s covered as you are deployed to the battlefield and given the chance to earn a name for yourself?

Are you interested in learning IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, and teamwork?

Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are
-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are
-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics


Stay Tuned.