The Boy Without a Party

Day 3,713, 14:23 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Date: Day 3713 of the New World

Many, many pixels have been spent in service of detailing the unfortunate existence of current rotton egg Rosa Violet Carson (and to a lesser extent his not-so-harmless cell-mate Chickensguys).

I cannot add to the many paragraphs of well-researched, fact-checked, corroborated, and damning evidence against him.

Through it all, RVC continues to refer to the Socialist Freedom Party as “his” party.

SFP is being too sweet. I understand not wanting to have internal disputes in public, and sadly RVC’s devisive technique is to have very public conflicts while privately doing NOTHING AT ALL to resolve them. Conflict is his currency.

But if I were to give SFP a big baseball bat, I'd have to hope they'd know where they should put it. I know they know. And if they did, I wouldn't judge them.

Live long enough IRL and you’ll meet people who want to argue, not to solve a problem, but to drag you down into shared misery. eLife is no different.

Meet RVC.

I feel sorry for SFP.

This isn’t our first go-around with this particular citizen. The name has changed, but our astute community knew right away that Phil Harmony, who was himself the reincarnation of Valient Thor, is now RVC. We’re reasonably sure he’s shown up in a few other clown suits as well. A quick look at the spate of newly-spawned “citizens” in eUSA tells us that he’s also building an illegal army of votes. I wonder which party he will target with them?

Because that is the modus operandi of this foul offal. Stir up foment to weaken the solidarity of a group, then move in the multis to take it over.

Understand that for this particular individual, that IS the game he is playing.

He is not interested in GeoPolitics, Economic development, Publishing an interesting newspaper, or even mashing the red button. Rosa Violet Carson's game is to ruin yours.

While the rest of us are interested in the Political, Military, Publishing, or Economics modules, RVC is interested in a module of his own making: Cheating. It’s no wonder other notorious cheaters gravitate towards supporting him. It’s a thieves guild.

So we’ve seen it all before. Even publishing this article is regretful in that he receives the attention I’m giving him with open arms. That’s right, I will not have a single good thing to say about him, but he will be thankful for the press. Just think about what that means about the game he is playing.

When any publicity is good publicity you are probably a gigantic turd.

So I happily issue my KUDOS to the rest of SFP for openly rejecting him, for bravely battling him in the media where he laps up the attention like a dog licks vomit, and for publishing so many well-done articles detailing the career of a gigantic turd.

I stand with those in SFP who oppose that citizen.

And that brings me to my point.

RVC does not have any Party.

He doesn’t have a Military Unit. He doesn’t have a group of people who will defend him and support him. True, there will be those who take issue with how RVC is being treated, and in principle nobody should be treated with complete disdain…

...unless that is exactly what they are asking for.

Compete disdain is exactly what RVC is asking for from us.

If there is one thing that can unify SFP, BSP, WTP, Feds, and eCP (and the host of other legitimate parties who can’t help but be on notice because of the clones that are rising in eUSA), it is a common enemy. Thank you Ajay for teaching us how unified eUSA can be. Now your progeny seeks the same repudiation that you drank.

But Rosa Violet Carson does not have any Party.

He is not SFP.
He is NOT EZC.
He will not be eCP.
And he will be a resident alien in whatever other Party he chooses to squat his pimply buttcheeks into.

But Rosa Violet Carson does not have a Party. He is alone.

He may, however, have a little bit of help. So he is not to be ignored.

There is, however, a Party for you.

Chances are you already have a Political Party in eUSA. I hope you do. The Politics Module of eRepublik is pretty fun, and if you are willing to add the eUSA Forums url to your game, you can find out why Politics in eUSA is a better version of eRepublik than itself!

One thing you’ll find there is the burgeoning Constitution Party. We’ve just emerged from the glowing embers of the legendary United States Workers Party where Workers over the years made massive contributions to the game and the meta-game.

Today eCP is beginning to take shape. And if you do not yet have a Political Party in eUSA I invite you to check us out.

Starting something new is an incredibly exciting thing to do in eRepublik. "Creative Sandbox" is what this game is best at, and the eCP Sandbox is filled with freshly-poured, still-smooth sand. There’s plenty of room to start building castles.

If you want to understand the nature of eConstitutionalism, check out my earlier article.

I will quote this from it:

In brief, the Constitution Party will be a political home to anyone who believes that the Constitution is the key to the best possible eUSA experience.
Our Constitution should be kept so that it insures full access to legislative power for all present and future citizens, codifies prudent stewardship of all tax revenue, and safeguards the present and future sovereignty of eUSA among eNations.

Access to legislative power
Stewardship of tax revenue
Sovereignty of eUSA

These three ideals, given the browser-game sandbox created by eRepublik itself, are too precious to entrust to individuals so they must be upheld by constitutional law. If preserved, eUSA will retain whatever “freedom” can be said to exist in a browser game owned and operated by a private company.

Drop me a note. Let’s play eRepublik together.

And let’s all just grab a beer and sit around the proverbial table with our friends from SFP, BSP, WTP, and Fedlandia while we laugh about the little boy who has no Party. After we're done drinking, let's go keep arguing at the Forum where we will not be bothered by Rosa Violet Carson.

That is where you'll find me.

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