The Ambassador's work

Day 1,543, 07:24 Published in Norway Norway by Per Jostein

When I started playing this game, on May 2011, the Norwegian MoFA was Frederick Jack Paul. He was recruiting players to be ambassadors. Any one could be accepted, even the newest ones, as me. As I had the interest on the Foreign Affairs field, I applied to it and became the Norwegian Ambassador to Portugal and Italy. At that time, with less than one month playing, I was a very unexperienced player, but I had a good assistance of the ministry of Foreign Affairs, and developed well my role.

All these months, I kept being the ambassador, just changing Portugal to Brazil in September, for personal reasons. Actually, I'm the Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs. The minister is Endymionis.

Okay, so let's see what qualities needs an ambassador. First of all, of course it's not bad if you can speak any foreign language, at least English. Then, it's good - but not indispensable - having a newspaper where you can express many things. Cos a newspaper can be used as a channel between you and the host nation. I think these things are the most important.

Now, let's what you have to do, if you wanna be a good ambassador. You have to read top rated and latest news, cos you have to be well-informed. But there's main differences. Cos if you are ambassador in a big country with numerous players and with a very active press, then of course no one wants that you read every article from A to Z, otherwise we will surely meet with you in a sanatorium. So select articles, by title, by writer or by their ranking position. I guess, you should sub the best papers. But, if you are in a smaller country, with fewer player and a less active press, well then I think that you should read nearly every articles, cos I bet, only a few issued daily.

And what can you do if you don't speak their language? Well, then my friend, your always-best friend is google translate. But I think that, if you've got a good welcome, you got some friends soon, so they surely help you with any translation, if you ask them politely. But it's much more better if you try to learn their language, at least at a minimal level. I always think that, the most honorific gesture is that if a foreigner learn your language, and adress you with it. I think it's an uplifting and priceless feeling. (for everything else, there's... )

Finally, it's still important contacting as much as you can. Use anything what you want: mibbit, rizon, msn, skype, etc. But which one? It doesn't matter, the great thing is that: keep in touch! Well, your last capital role to write reports - daily, weekly, monthly - to your boss (usually to your MoFa), about any important happening or when required.

I hope I've touched everything what a good ambassador have to do, so let's talk about the best side of being a good ambassador. The one and only is to know many interesting people from another country, with new thoughts, approaches, and so on. I think it's a very pleasurable feeling when these people salute you as good old friend, and who knows it? Maybe these friendships lasts for many years, cos friendship is value. I think that's worth to be an ambassador but also a pleasant job, as you will represent your country.

Btw, soon the MoFA will recruit new ambassadors, so if you think that you could be a good ambassador, APPLY! Norway needs YOU!

I must give some credits to Petrezselyem van a zsebemben, for part of the article.

Now in each my article, I'll post a picture of a Norwegian city.
