Test Article

Day 632, 01:08 Published in USA USA by GoneAndGone

Before we get to my article, I’d like to take a moment to give my sincerest condolences to the people of South Africa for their monumental loss. It should come to no surprise to anyone that I was too young to know of Mandela during his glory days, that I was too young to experience his message personally; it should also come to no surprise that I never saw the man in person, and nor do I believe I ever saw him live on television either. But it no way did I not experience his message, nor learn of his message. He did so much for both South Africa, and the world, and his lessons should be taught to all. As such, he will be missed, mourned, and more importantly, remembered in our lives moving forward. Thank you Mr. Mandela o7

Hello eSA,

Thank you very much for electing me your President. It is an honor to be the one to lead this nation into its next phase, one which will be filled with prosperity for our citizens, as well as success in the foreign department. To accomplish this, however, will take more than just me. Yes, even the King is limited in what he can do. As such, I have compiled a highly skilled cabinet to assist me along the way.

Vice President - El Reto

El Reto is well known here in eSA, having served as the president here as well as holding a few cabinet positions in his time. He also maintains strong contacts in Poland, a nation of which we’ve had moderate relations with that I plan on greatly improving upon this term. He will be an immensely useful tool in this endeavour.

Prime Minister* - Claudio KiIgannon

Claudio is one of the most influential persons in South Africa. He has served in nearly all positions from top to bottom, and is a key debater in all discussions on the forum. This term as Prime Minister his duties will be primarily in assisting the cabinet in their tasks both large and small, ensuring the cabinet accomplishes all their goals to the best of their ability. He’ll also be serving as Minister of Security this term.

*It should be noted that due to in-game titles, Claudio is marked as Governor while El Reto is marked as Prime Minister.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

eLiam is new to eSA, but he is not new to the big stage. He is a multiple time President, and has served in a fair amount of other positions in all categories of politics. He is experienced, but he is also fresh and new, looking to make his mark on this country and hungry for the chance. I am confident that he will perform his job at a highly successful level.

Minister of Defense - Enriche2Ribeiro

Enriche shall be taking the mantle of Minister of Defense for this term. He has held this position, and multitude of others in his career in eSA, including the position of President. Most recently he has served as MoFA and deputy MoD, and his position here shall coincide with his increased activity in the eSAAF.

Minister of Domestic Affairs - Saffa Manne

Saffa Manne shall be serving in the MoDA; Saffa is an up-and-coming citizen who has already seen success in the cabinet and the MoDA, and will work to continue such success this term.

Interested in serving in cabinet? There are still many positions in the cabinet, and my ministers are looking to fill their staff with hard working citizens. If this sounds like you apply within!

Moving forward, we have a lot of work to do. I’ve already begun work on a few projects which will hopefully bare showable results in the next few days. Until then, I encourage all citizens to use our forums so you can take place in the discussions. There are currently two very important discussions; one posted by me regarding foreign affairs and the other posted by Henock in the cabinet boards about funding for a government run weapons initiative. I encourage all citizens to participate in both discussions.

Thank you,

eSouth African President