Terrorist Threat - Purple

Day 475, 14:03 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

A nice, catchy, and unrelated title is a great way to begin this newspaper, the National Siren. The mission of us, here at the Siren, is to deliver news that is of great concern to America. Down to the way it runs, to the way others run... towards us. If another nation is running towards us we will be sure to chronical it and make it sound dangerous.

We will be getting to our story, but first i would like to tell all my readers that this paper will sell ad space, at 3 USD per slot. Your ad can be anything from a company advertisement, to a political advertisement. Its cheap, and effective. Message Captaincaps with desired message, and i guarentee i will put it on this newpaper that will write articles often. There are three slots for each article.. now moving on.

WAR!!!!! As you are all aware The Taco War has been going on, to great success. Altogether the 5 mexicans and the 1000 members of other assorted nations have been unable to stop the great nation of (E)America. Nor will they. Brazil, right after we invaded oaxaca, declared they would save mexico from prosperity at the hands of the america. What a fate to be a part of the greatest market, democracy, and nation in the world. Because Brazil was too late, they couldnt aid mexico in oaxaca. Now, however, when we countinue our policy of benevolent assilimation into nation of mexico, we have another nation ready to P*ss in our cheerios. And the invasion has stopped.

The National Siren stands before you today to say that Brazil poses no threat to the armed forces of eamerica, and asks you to urge your congressman to countinue expansion, and to spit in the face of PEACE before they gain our shores and destroy our allys. Onward!!! To Cape Horn!!!