Tatto Piggy: The Club Orange Outbreak.

Day 1,944, 14:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Farm life was just going great for Tayto Piggy aka Irishbhoy 1967. All the animals was getting along great and most had adjusted to the Tayto diet. Although Fat Johnson leader of the animals had still pangs about his old diet and some days just stood there and imagined something they ate in the past he kept up his healthy figure by imagining it was actually paper he was eating.

Tayto has been growing like a Russian gymnast on steriods. Farmer Fred one day was watching the tube and saw an ad for Club Orange. Although club orange was well known to their town their grocer refused to stock it. Apparently it involved vodka,club orange a crazy night, a new car, a stripper, and a 1000 mile detour to among-st others Budapest and waking up from the binge with his swimming pants and nothing more....


Well as he was watching this ad there grew quite a stirring in Farmer Fred and a desire to drink buckets full of this angel juice.

Immediately the next day he ordered 5 crates of this sweet juice and paid with his leprechaun credit card which he got once as he caught a leprechaun stealing his chicken eggs.

Grianne who was writing down the order wasnt paying much attention and wrote down 500 crates but booked only 5 crates.

Sufficed to say that after the 500 crates was delivered and he confirmed only 5 crates was put through on his leprechaun card. He had to hide the other crates in the pigsty where Maybelline never came.

He downed the first Club Orange and thought to himself angel juice my ass it tastes just like normal orange juice except worst. Now he thought back about the ad what was that orange stuff the angels was handling. Bloody MOFA'S (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

He also thought back about the king kong test that always gave him a stirring.

Now as with the tayto he had a problem drinking 500 crates of the stuff would be intolerable. Selling in in town would meant the grocer could gun him down if he find out about it. Feeding it to the pigs would not be logical as the water cost him nothing. Yet Maybelline would only be at her mothers for another week. Pigs it would have to be. He added the first crate. At first the pigs refused to drink anything as it was quite foul stuff. Tayto piggy however said that with Tayto Salt & Vinegar it tastes quite good. Unbeknownst to the food scientist that cooked up the foul stuff Club Orange acted as a hallucination drug to Pigs. That was because they were stuck in the 70's science wise as every one knows the irish is very cheap and there is nothing as cheap as getting 30 year old books from the us.

The top Irish Scientist is shown in this picture:

Anyway as the night progressed the Club Orange become more juicier and they were seeing all kind of images. They even saw a Irish comedy film and thought it was funny. After 5 days of constant drinking all 500 crates was gone and after 9 hours of normal water they were hit by the biggest hungover they ever had in their lifes.

Then after another 2 days of sleeping they woke up and Fat Johnson at first thought he was still getting hallucinations as all the pigs had turned orange. Mofa he said that stupid mofa why he always be feeding us his crap. For the next 10 years they would be ginger pigs just as 50% of Irish children is ginger [del]pigs[/del] kids because their mothers got hooked on the Club Orange during their pregnancy.

The End--