Tank Nation update

Day 1,875, 05:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by D I W

Respect few, fear none

We are Tank Nation. A rather new family Military Unit in the eUK who strike hard and strike fast. We are politically neutral and consist of members from a range of different parties.


FragUK - Commander - Father of the Unit
missingno - Father of FragUK Grandfather of the Unit
D I W - Brother of FragUK Uncle of the Unit
Kamikaze Kelvin - Kelly - FragUK’s eldest daughter
Cygnus X1 - Cyg - FragUK's middle child
Cindy021 - FragUK's American cousin
Vezhven - Cyg, Kelly and Steve’s cousin
Steve021s - Frag's Eldest Son
Keep Calm, or Clam - D I W's stepson
Count Drakula, or CD - Kelly's childminder (Full time role)

New Members of the Family

Ariovistuz - Missingno’s Eldest God Son
PTWO - Missingno’s Youngest God Son
david whittam - D I W Cousin
surferdude - Still searching his family history (Believe he’s part of the Royal side of our family)

Joint Strike

Tank Nation are proud to say we take part in the weekly Joint strike.
Anyone that hasn’t seen the strike artilce take alook and talk to Rory Winterbourne about joining HERE is a link to the recent strike article

Tank Nation did very well in this strike having the 3rd highest amount of damage with 18,726,011 and the highest MU turnout with 75% of the Unit taking part.

We also had Grandfather Missingno and Stepson of DIW - Keep Calm getting the second highest amount of damage in there respected Division’s.

This amazing effort meant the unit was rewarded with 120 Tanks to help us put in even more damage.

We are hoping to improve on this for the next strike and we’d like you to help us.

Interested in joining message our commander FragUK. Upstanding man and also Minister of Defence making sure we have up-to-date DO’s and knowledge of all CTA and Strikes. Along with Count Drakula the other Minister of Defence we also have up-to-date DO’s.


Join us on IRC! channel - #TankNation, there is always one or two of us on so come for some information, for a Chat or just some help.

Where with Teh-EvilCode we can keep an eye on how the unit is doing.