Switzerland, For Serious?

Day 1,105, 18:04 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Kishvier

Switzerland, for serious?

What is this country coming to? We have crazed accusations coming out about stolen money. We have loonies impersonating the Minister of the Interior. We have politicians going after the army. What gives?

I mean, honestly. If we think there is missing money, what are you doing complaining about it? Why don't you do some research, contact people of interest, and figure out if there is actual missing money, rather than pointing your finger around and complaining about it. Don't whine, get off your butt and quit putting people's political careers in jeopardy.

Secondly, this "Minister of the Interior," GiantMail I believe. He isn't the Minister, actually he's some loony trying to steal money from the Swiss treasury. Are we going to just sit around and run ads against it as we desperately try to get our congress, which is out of control, to vote his bills down? I mean really, we need some kind of stability here. We need to sit down and buckle up, to set up a system that will keep low lives like this from stealing money from us. I for one would like to see if we could get a system down to prevent this from happening again, to prevent loonies from getting into congress in the first place. If anyone has ideas, post a comment and I for one will try to fix this horrid situation.

Finally, we have politicians going after the military. Now I might be a bit biased on this topic, being a Private in our Swiss National Military, but I know for a fact that we are not getting any government funding, let alone funding of stolen government money. We aren't even fully situated, and Col. Custer has made it clear that we will not take funding until he deems fit. He has also made it clear to me that the army has no political positioning. The army is set up to defend and fight for the country against anyone that the government tells us to. This means one term we might be fighting against EDEN, and the next term we might be fighting PHEONIX. It means nothing to the military who we are fighting, as long as we are fighting for our country. If anyone has a problem with the military and how it runs, then they should do some research, get involved, and quit spreading false rumors. Rumors aren't chill, something like that is never chill. I moved here to help get this military off the ground. I am 100% self funded, and I want to see Switzerland grow into something more. This crap we've been getting lately hurts Switzerland. Stop. Just stop.

So finally, I just ask for the population of Switzerland to buckle down and get some work done. I’ve been busy at work on the congressional boards with a number of others, but this crap we keep getting is really hampering Switzerland from becoming a better nation. Do you love your country? If you do, then help out and quit allowing this crap from occuring, cause honestly, I'm sick of it.