Superheroes of eSA and the world

Day 1,743, 07:24 Published in South Africa USA by Vanessa1309

After a gruelling battle on Saturday, unfortunately we were unable to hold Free State till the end of congress elections. We did not have the support that we expected from Brazil and were feeling down, there was a lot of silence in our forums and irc for a day or so.

I would like to point out that we did have support from Brazil and other countries on that day, in fact we had a whopping 15mil damage from an American citizen CruelDestiny, all I can say is WOW! We also has outstanding damages recorded from our home made superheroes, some of which were Crumoet, baglamas, Tenshibo, Nicholas Boyce, Rexdeus, Grimstone, StanEslah and Steven Bosch. You guys were spectacular on the battlefield! Truth is there were just so MANY heroes on that day, check here for the full list, I took a screen shot on the day...

As you can see, we have much support from Brazil today.
Today Vigoncalves (President of Brazil), himself wracked up more than 15mil damage in our Free State battle. And this has prompted me to declare Vigon eSouth Africa's honourary hero! We should get you some spandex!

Today, I have proposed a No NE so that we can stop the NE with Brazil and avoid a wipe of our beloved country. All congress please vote yes.
Fight all SA battles vigorously, we don't want to lose anymore regions before the peace proposal.

I would like to say that although we did not hold Free State, we, as a nation fought our hearts out and I'm so very proud to be your leader at a time like this.

And just for that, you get a bikini pic!

And something for the ladies too 😉

See you in battle!

CP for eSA