Spain and UK's Suckiness (a scholarly discussion)

Day 1,535, 11:18 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Spain may not suck. May not. I'm not advocating not blindly hating Spaniards 24/7/366, I'm just saying that we should consider looking into the subject a bit further. For example, check this out:

Source: Occupy Spain

It's very Kent State-y, which makes sense because America sets trends, but it's cool nonetheless. Does this change your opinion Spaniards? Are they learning how to properly deal with authority(by offering them gifts and entertainment)? Or is this a clever ploy by the Spaniards to decrease the level of "haters" (rea😛 logical human beings) worldwide? Discuss below.

Also, I've recently come to the conclusion that the UK is officially piggish. And as with every other dealing of theirs, they've simply been talking the talk, only to turncoat when it's most convenient. I know this isn't news to anyone, probably, but I think that we need to further document the UK's atrocious behavior for future generations, so that we never again make the mistake of thinking that they may not be as suckish as they used to be (this topic may be related to the above thoughts).

So in relation to the UK:
Let it be known that:

1) They are turncoats. It is in their nature to turn on whoever needs friends the most(I believe the term is "sunshine friends"), only to end up making their new allies sink to their level (suck).

2) They worship a pig

3) They have been known to harbor pig-like creatures. Although in fairness, most scientists consider this specimen to be closer related to a whale.

4) They really love the Swedes:
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
