So I am new here...

Day 4,815, 16:09 Published in USA USA by DannieKatt

...again and I have to be honest I am not particularly pleased. The game is extremely buggy and honestly a bit boring. To be fair I haven't really immersed myself into the community all that much but I am trying to give it a shot. I wish there was a bit more to do than just war and forums haha but meh. I tried to get a housing factory up and running but I don't know what I am doing haha.

No idea if anyone will read this but realize this is just kind of a vent for me. I would like to play the game better but I am having trouble finding the point. Maybe someone can help me figure that out. Anyway I play alot of games and it is nice this game isnt as demanding as some of my other games.

meh thanks for reading and I will try to post updates on how and when I figure out the game more