Simple guide for Div 1 BH collectors

Day 1,725, 03:45 Published in South Korea South Korea by the tormented one

This is the second thing I said I am going to leave behind. I can't find a translator, so I will just post this in English.

Simple guide for Div 1 BH collectors

What do you need?

A few bazookas (You can get bazooka parts from doing quest or complete your daily order.

1 - 2 Rockets (NOTE: You can only produce one rocket each day and you cannot have more than one rocket in your storage, so you have to use 1 before you can use another one)

Some Health Kit (optional, you can just leave enough health to use your bazookas)

NOTE: You can only make bazookas from bazooka parts after you reached 150 strength (You probably need 2-3 weeks of training), after you reached 150 strength, you can assemble the bazooka parts into bazookas.

If you got everything ready, here's what you need to do to snipe for some BH medals.

1. Give yourself time

Make sure you have enough time to choose the right battlefield, I will explain more about choosing the right battlefield next, but you have to make sure you have enough time to stay until the end.

2. Choose the right battlefield

Choosing the right battlefield is important. If you choose the wrong battlefield, you may need to spend a lot more bazookas to win your BHs, or lose your BHs to someone else.

In order to choose the right battlefield, there are two three things for you to consider.
I. Is the battle important? If the battle is important, you may find people doing a lot of damage in order to win the battle, your goal is to win BH with the least amount of bazookas needed. So, you should stay away from these battles if your goal is just to win BH.

II. Who is competing with you for the medals?
There are a number of things you can look for to determine this.
- Check out the number of people who did damage on the battlefield.

- Find out about other people who might be going for the BH too.

- If the person who are leading did very few damage, you should be very careful, because that could be there are a number of other BH hunters hiding and waiting for an opportunity to attack near the end.

III. Timing? You dont want to wait from start to finish of one round for 90 minutes or more to see if a battlefield is suitable for you. Ideally, you should pick a battle that has gone on for about 60 minutes, why? because at the time, you can find out information I mentioned in 2 to see if this battlefield is suitable for you.

3. My recommendation
I. Choose a RW battlefield, in a RW, there are fewer fighters to compete with you because they have to move to the country where the RW occurs in order to fight there. So, fewer fighters mean you have better chance to win.

II. Choose a battlefield where the result is not important. In some RWs where people are trying to win the battle, they may add a massive amount of damage on the battlefield in order to win. You should avoid fighting there if you just want to win the BH.

III. Look at the battle clock and the battle meter, if you dont want to wait forever, look for a battle that is going to end soon, and based on that, you can find out all the information about other BH hunters.

4. How to fight?
After you have choose the battlefield, you have to decide how to fight, it may not be as simple as you think. In order to successfully snipping the BH from other players, you need to add just enough influence to beat other players before the round finished.

So to understand how much influence you need, when the round finishes, and how much influence you can make before you ran out of time is important.

5. Choose the side to fight for in a RW
As we have mentioned, the key of winning BH is to minimise the amount of competition in a round of battle, you can influence some of the factors, but there are other factors you cannot change.

What are the factors you can change? Time! This included the amount of time in a round, the shorter the round, in general, there will be fewer BH hunters to try to take the BH from you.

So if you are fighting in a RW, you can decide to fight for the side of the current region holder or the resistance. As a general rule, you should not do your damage to change the result of the battle, that mean you should fight for the side that is currently leading on the battle meter, but there are a few exceptions.

For example,
I. If the winning side is leading on the battle meter and the battle bar. You may fight for the losing side without changing the result.

In this case, if you are just going for BH, you should probably fight for the BH on the Argentina side

But be careful, if there are other BH hunters attack at the same thing, it may change the battle bar, and making the round longer. The longer the round, the more damage you have to do to win the BH which is bad.

II. If the winning side is leading on the battle meter and the battle bar. You may fight for the losing side to change the result if the losing side is leading on the battle meter. This will shorten the length of the round, which improve your chance of winning the BH.

In this case, if you are just going for BH, you should probably fight for on the Resistance side is you can do enough damage to win the round

6. When to attack?

Ideally, you attack as late as possible to see everyone have made their move before you act, but you have to leave enough time to do enough damage to take the first place.

So, there you go, all my tips for winning BHs, HAVE FUN ~~!!