Running for Clan Wolf PP

Day 2,088, 09:46 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Reading Music

"Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit."

I offer you an opportunity, Clan Wolf to return to the Frozen Throne. The current administration cares nothing for progress, but to retain the rewards we've earned. We have strayed far from the path built by our ancestors in favor of holding congress for as long as we possibly can. In the face of Almighty Change, we have shrunk back in cowardice and our numbers dwindle.

Let us put an end to this unjustified cowardice. Warriors of Clan Wolf, cut the chains you've created to hold yourself back and join the Frozen Army.

There is potential in the blood-lines of Clan Wolf, there is honor in our veins, and there is power in our words. Let's not be ashamed of the way our party came into the world and fight to climb higher. That is our blood right.

The loyal and faithful members of Clan Wolf, I beg of you. Come with me and hold on tightly for in the final hour, all must serve the one true king.

My Goals for this month

My plans are fairly simple, we revamp communication in eCanada which will hopefully produce activity in all parties and incentive for our growing writers. To revamp communication, our goal will be to revive the media.

The eCanada media belongs to everyone, not just Clan Wolf and as such it is our duty to restore it. (Which will then open the gateway for our recruitment articles and of course intellectual conversations.)

Our next goal for this month, will be to improve activity. Which means we're looking to score better on vote percentages and overall participation inside our own party. If you're having trouble getting involved, I will have you send me a message and we'll find something for you to do or host. Trust me, activity will help everyone not just our party.

And at last, our final goal is to increase in numbers. Our community is stagnant, we need fresh blood and more activity.

The role-play aspect in the lore and ideas will only help with circulation, I need your help CW members to make these goals come to life.

I will gladly bear a curse to save this party and our homeland.

Zianni Vaatez

It's begun.
Young heroes, I was once like you.
You have come to this place seeking to bring judgment upon the damned.
You will venture deep into forgotten lands.
You will see wonders beyond imagining.
But, be warned. The land itself will rise up against you.
Long forgotten terrors will smother your courage.
Sacrifice everything as the final darkness falls...
In the end, all that awaits you is death.
Only then will you understand,
you've been following in my footsteps all along.
So come then, you heroes! Come in all your power and glory!
For in the final hour, all must serve the one... true... king...