Resources?! What? Where?

Day 785, 10:56 Published in USA USA by MrCarey
Hidden Resources

So I’ve been finding it a challenge to come up with articles that might strike attention from people, but I think I may have found something.

I was browsing around on eRepublik, trying to find something to write about. I was in the society section of the eUSA and happened to click on District of Columbia. What I found there exploded a few questions and curiosity in my head. What I found was a statement that read, “There are no discovered resources in this region yet.” I started wondering, “Why would we have land, and not be taking advantage of what is there.” Or better yet, “Why do we have this land, and have no idea what is there?”

For all we know, it could be a high density area of iron, wood, or grain. Now, I’m not exactly sure what is involved in discovering resources, but whatever it is, unless it is something very complex and expensive, I don’t understand why we don’t at least find out what is there.
Not only is this the case in DC, I noticed Hawaii also has “no discovered resources”.

To me, it just seems silly to have land that isn’t being put to use except for housing people. Maybe some other country would benefit from having this land and appreciate it more than we do apparently. If we have land, and our only use for it is to house a couple hundred people, why not “sell” the land, and move the people to somewhere that we need them such as, Karnataka, Florida, or California.

I’m curious on how other people feel about this, and what your thoughts are on this particular subject. Were you even aware that we had states that we had no idea what was there?