Resistance is Futile.

Day 628, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Resistance Wars

Recently, the UK saw 3 Resistance Wars erupt in 3 regions it was occupying;
Prince Edward Islands
Newfoundland and Labrador
New Brunswick.

It was an attempt to liberate Canadian regions, and put Canada back on the map. Strange, after Canada had put so much effort into moving people into Spain and the USA.

A brief History

After region swaps, the UK was occupying Canadian regions. After large amounts of effort to get Canadians out, people, instead of helping defend the USA’s remaining territories, decide to begin to liberate Canada. Large amounts of soldiers and tanks where moved in from Croatia, the USA, Sweden, and Romania. The four of them managed to get the better or us, but next time, if we fight them on a level playing field, they won’t be so lucky.

Why swap regions? We were holding on to them, so that they couldn’t be attacked directly and change possession. The RW's have returned them back to their original owner, but at what cost? and for how long?


Who actually started these Resistance Wars?
FelipeII – A Spaniard.
Gray – A Romanian Soldier.
Shoot. – That Swedish spy who infiltrated Germany.

So, after Canada put effort into moving people out of occupied regions, Eden and Fortis think, “Hurr, Liberayshun tym”. Wise move.

I find myself asking, what was the point in this? The only reason I can think of is that they wanted to put Canada back on the map. Which at this stage, is absolutely stupid.

The fighting was practically UK vs Eden and Fortis.


If someone asked me to read the top 5 news articles, without looking at avatars or usernames I would have guessed that Eden had a lot of involvement in the fiasco. Purely because of the mindless waves of repetitive spam that had littered the media. Fortunately, people in the eUK know, that when a US Marine, or Swedish soldier tells you to fight red, you fight green. People also know who the Prime Minister is, and if they had any doubts, would have checked in his paper.

They even went as far as to waste gold on a citizen ad, telling people to fight red. Unfortunately for them, that didn’t work very well either.

What was the point?

So after Canada put a lot of effort and a considerable amount of cash into moving people out of occupied Canadian regions, Fortis and Eden waste a lot of gold trying to liberate them. Thanks to Romania, and Croatia, (Sweden helped out too) they were successfully liberated. Unfortunately, the odds were against us. This time.

How long will it take for them to be taken again?
Not long. Instead of focusing their forces on defending existing US regions, yet again, poor planning and deployment has meant that more fronts shall be opened, and the Fortis defense spread even thinner.

It’s obvious to me, that there has been poor planning between Canada and it’s liberators. I feel sorry for the Canadians who move back to the liberated regions after just being moved out, they must feel like a ping pong ball. We must also ask, why this was necessary.

When you’re trying to defend yourself from PEACE, get your priorities right!

To sum up, the resistance wars where a waste of time.

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Mr Woldy.