Remember the Alamo: My stance on the war

Day 466, 17:19 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius

My fellow Americans, for the past day now we have been engaged in military operations against Mexico. As a congressman I have already stated why I voted no for this war. However now I feel it is necessary for me to express why this war is truly beneficial for the eUS and how it can aid us in many ways.

I am firmly against Imperialistic actions taken by any state, including the US. Imperialism in eRepublik has proven to have a negative impact for everyone in the long haul. Furthermore I believe that no country has the right to impose its way of life or its practices on another nation. As a result when I first heard of a possible war against Mexico I was worried this might be a imperial action wrapped in the guise of war games or something else. However once the obejctives for this operation were outlined I changed my view.
1.) Expel polish citizens who hijacked the Mexican Congress, we would do this by taking polish controlled regions.
2.) Insure US border safety from PEACE operations in Mexico.
3.) Boost wellness of eUS citizens.
4.) Gain exp for future eUS military action.
5.) War time boost to our economy
As it stand right now I believe we are on track for all of these goals. I personally am at 96 for my wellness and I know several people have made substantial exp and level gains. I think this shows that we are sticking to our guns so to speak.

Since the our war declaration about a day ago many foreign leaders and figures have expressed anger and worry about our action. Foremost have these has been several members of the alliance we are in (ATLANTIS). A clause in the the article of the ATLANTIS treaty require us to notify our allies of a war declaration 48 hours before we take said action. I understand this argument and I believe it has legitimate grounds. However the opponents of our actions fail to take into account that this was not a pre-meditated action. We have not been planning war for weeks. No it was a quick decision enacted by an exuberant new congress worried about a deteriorating political climate in Mexico. If we had taken the treaty article into account then our actions may have jeopardized our safety or risked a deterioration of the situation. Furthermore the US is not the first ATLANTIS country to ignore this provision.

Nough Said
With all of this said I would like to tag a disclaimer to this article. I strongly support our country and our government despite who may lead it. National unity despite political or ideological differences is key to our continued prosperity and safety. But I would also like to say that I cannot support any Imperial action by the US, I am strongly against any empire building by any country. This means that I will not stand for a prolonged occupation of Mexico. Furthermore I am disappointed by some of my fellow citizens calls for a US empire. This is not the right action. We must remember that our country is one of many. We are not the single power in the world like in RL. We must insure our alliances stay intact and we foster a positive world image. Just as many want to make the US a military world power we must also make the US a world leader in example. How can we possibly call Iran or Indonesia evil when we act the same way. So I ask every citizen to lead by example in how they act during this foreign entanglement.

Thank you for your time and your patience with my little rant. I hope you enjoyed this article and will comment, vote and subscribe.

Gaius Julius
Congressman Michigan
Federalist Party Congressional Chairman
Party Presidency Candidate for March