Red October

Day 313, 04:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Radsoc
Citizens of eSweden!

Democracy means the dictatorship of the majority. However, today in Flashback-Sweden, when it comes to economy, a minority rules a majority! The owning class with ties to the Flashback elite makes money on the fact that you work for them. You pay them and You create their profits. They decide how much you get from the work you've done and how much they get from you. Your wages are lower than what they could be. If we removed the amount of money that went to the private profiteer, we could put that money in your pockets instead. You get a bigger share of what you create by your own labour.

This can be done if you democratically control the company without any private owners. It's called economic democracy. This is a concept MSAP stands for. You and the rest of those who work in the company can take it over, kick out the oligarch and run the company yourselves with the help of the state. Of course this means you need a state that represents your interests and not the owners' like the current does.

This could mean everything from 10-50% more money in your pocket. Or similarly if the state, i.e. all citizens, owns a company you can vote the %-level that goes back to you and the %-level that goes to finance collective projects like the defence budget, healthcare (new hospitals) etc.

My suggestions about the future people's company scene in a democratic Sweden are:

Current ownership:
Active (Production)
Q4 Hospitals
Q1 Hospitals

Passive (Supply)
Q4 Vapen - Guns
Q3 Gåvor - Gifts
Q1 Flytt - Moving

New companies:
Q1 Folkets Hörnbutik - People's General Store
Q2 Folkets Marknad - People's Market
Q3 Folkets Varuhus - People's Department Store
Q4 Systembolaget - The Liquor Store

Q2 Folkets Gevärsfabrik - People's Rifle Factory
Q4 Folkets Automatvapenfabrik - People's Machinegun Factory

Q1 Bostadsbolaget - The Housing Company
Q4 Folkets Bostäder - People's Houses

Q1 Folkets Järnvägar - People's Railroads
Q3 Folkets Flygbolag - People's Airlines

Q1 Apoteket - The Pharmacy
Q2 Folkets Blommor - People's Flowers

All owned, planned and controlled by the new organization "Folket" consisting of citizen committees like Bostadsverket, Transportverket, Konsumtionsverket, Livsmedelsverket and Materielverket. Any citizen can be part of these.

Bostadsverket could for example make sure that all people have somewhere to live. Most people are homeless even though we live in one of the richest countries. This is a clear failure of the market economy and the pro-market FBS-rule. With all people having houses, we would have a much higher wellness and productivity.

With this model the people itself builds its own houses at prices affordable for all. The FBS wants to work "for a better Sweden". They've created a better Sweden for themselves and for the business owners (themselves). But I agree, let's all create a better eSweden! -without FBS. Let's create a better eSweden, without imperialism and exploitation. We in MSAP can make it better for those of you who work, not just for those who own!

Vote for a truly Red October!

Vote for change!
Vote for MSAP!