Recognizing the efforts of some amazing Americans

Day 616, 10:45 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

There are tons of people who have contributed a lot to our war effort, but a few have truly stood out to me over the last few days and need to be recognized for it.

I know in writing this article, I am leaving very deserving people off, this isn't meant to be a comprehensive list for the country as a whole. Admittedly, I am not involved in the upper levels of the military, so while I know they're working as hard as they can, I can't describe their efforts in detail like I can for these people:>Cade Magnus

I put him first because he's probably the person on this list that people are least familiar with, unless you're a regular on the>eUS forums.

Cade Magnus took it upon himself to>mass-message most of California, telling them to move out of the Indonesian-occupied territory and referring them to Chris Stanwick for moving tickets.>Mysteriousdoor also helped out with the project, and should also be thanked.

This might not sound like much, but I can assure you that mass-messaging is time consuming, boring and repetitive. When I ran for Congress in Illinois, I messaged the whole state and it took a bunch of my time. California is much bigger than Illinois and any other state.

Getting our citizens out of California is important, not just to get them into our country, but because California will be easier for us to get back when it has a lower population due to game mechanics.>Chris Stanwick

You should all be familiar with Chris Stanwick, who is in the President's cabinet and is a two-time congressman.

But what should be noted is that Chris Stanwick has been sending tons of moving tickets, not only to new players to move to Florida or New Jersey, but to citizens in territories occupied by the countries who have taken over some of our states. Read>his excellent article about it.

Chris has received many requests, and today finally posted a shout that he was out of funds. People, if you're fortunate to have extra gold, dollars or moving tickets, send them to Chris Stanwick.

Josh Frost, Jasper Ferguson, and Gaius Julius

These three did a ton of work in organizing our PTO efforts in France and counter-PTO efforts in Canada. Josh Frost has been involved with the Air Force for quite some time and has emphasized the importance of voting abroad before many of us came to that conclusion. Jasper and Gaius helped start the parties needed in France and helped Josh Frost coordinate candidates and vote moving to France and Canada. Also, I believe it was Josh Frost's idea to have the USWP pull out of congressional elections and have our members join the Air Force, which obviously helped save Canada.

While we only had 20% of the French congress, PEACE threw enough votes there to save Canada from being PTOed, which would've been disastrous for us and our allies.

In conclusion

I know I am leaving tons of people off of this list, but these people have been on my mind lately and I don't feel they've been given enough credit for what they've done.

Feel free to mention other people who have done great things for this country in the comments.

Thanks for reading,
-- Ligtreb