
Day 1,160, 04:07 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian
This article is mostly for Romanians, but not only...

So we got 2 alliances.

One of them is Phoenix, you all know them. Enemy of EDEN and many other countries.

Phoenix is made of Turkey, Macedonia, Russia, Brazil, France, Portugal, Lithuania, Indonesia and a few others. Enemies indeed, especially Russia, but not as "dreadful" as Hungary for example.
Basically they are a bunch of countries who somehow managed to be on "the other side" of Romania. Countries against whom, Romania doesn`t have a particular hate. They are enemies given the current geopolitical situation.
Pretty much like Bulgaria and Ukraine used to be. We didn`t really had a problem with them and so they are our friends now.
We fought with France because of Spain. Well, that might not be the case anymore right?
We fought with Germany because of Poland. Well. that will definitely not be the case anymore. Quite the contrary.

And, on the other half, we got the NWO, made of Serbia, Hungary, Poland and (maybe) Spain too.
Serbia, we don`t have a problem with them either. More than that in RL we get along quite well. Of course that if you don`t ask the Romanians who live in the Timok Valley who have absolutely no rights to exercise their human rights. But let`s forget about that for a minute.
So, all in all, Serbia is an OK country.
Next is Hungary. Well not much left to say here. Any sort of alliance with them is out of the question.
Poland. They used to be friends of ours, but only as long as they had smth to gain out of the equation. Myself, I don`t take their "change" in diplomacy lightly. And "change" is to use a nice word.

So, I ask you, who is the biggest enemy of Romania? Phoenix or NWO?

Of course we cannot forget that we have allies who also have enemies. Bulgaria and Greece have a problem with Macedonia and Turkey and so we should fight side by side with our friends. Croatia has a problem with Serbia etc.

What about Indonesia though? Or Brazil and Argentina? None of our allies have a problem with them. And in case Spain likes Hungary that much, the South Americans can wipe them off the map easily with some French help.

So my point here is to not despair. Even more than that, be grateful that we discovered how trustworthy are Poland and Spain and reorientate towards other, maybe better allies.

The treachery of Poland (and maybe Spain as well) does not necessarily mean the end of EDEN. Quite the contrary, we wont be wasting our time with those who don`t deserve it.

That`s just my two cents. Hope our diplomats will do a good job in protecting Romania and our friends.