Public Message to Winston L.S Churchill

Day 744, 17:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Pearlshire

Winston L.S. Churchill

Let me start off with this:

Why do you say fail after everything (wit bad grammer 2)? Is it the best you can do? Why don't you support your arguments like a good politician should? Had it ever occurred to you that it just shows you don't know what you are talking about?

Also I have noticed to said something like, "What's so great that Woldy has done?" First off, what's so great that you've done besides speaking garbage and still have some people listening to you? Well for a start, Woldy put our economy in the best shape that I have EVER seen it. 0.35 GBP for Q1 food is AMAZING. I was used to getting Q1 food for 0.98 GBP. It's less than half the regular price! And that's just one out of several accomplishments.

Also, what's your problem with left wingers and socialism? You treat the word socialism as if its a crime. Do you know even know what it is, or the difference between socialism and communism? Well pure socialism is seeing every human being as equal and treating them that way. You may not see it as a win win, because you might say something like "what about taxing the companies?" It's for that very reason. We don't want all the company holders to take ALL of the money and profit. We want the workers to have it too, because the owners of the companies certainly do not do all of the work.

Plus, the use of the word fail. I swear if you say fail in the comments as a part of your argument, I will just say I've proven my point. I want to see you make an argument against what I'm saying without using the word fail, and proving a point. What is it that fails so much about the left wing, or Woldy, or anything you've said fail to? Answer that at least, without using one word answers. Explain your argument, and be a good politician.

Thank you,

Jake Pearlshire

PS: Stop using patriotism to try to get people to support you. We all know you are in RL American. I'm too, so you don't have to pretend you're really British.