Public Apology and Explanation for Crazy Law proposal...

Day 726, 04:21 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Vegeta

Hi all,

Any non-senators wondering why I proposed something so crazy as to make the minimum wage 1000AUD I would like to apoligize to.
It is not a law proposal meant to be passed (and it wont be), nor is it a "lolz proposal" that some senators do to get experience points (usually on the 23rd/24th of the month).

It was done to draw attention to the fact that there were so many non-sense impeachment proposals around the forums at the moment, that I thought this might spark something to stop all the joke ones.

It seems to have sparked quite a bit of discussion, and I notice that the other impeachment threads have all been shut down.

To any business owners alarmed by the proposal, sorry to make your heart rate jump like that (part of the reason that I had to make the figure that high was so that any 2-clicker senators wouldn't just click yes by mistake).

I hope that you understand my reasoning.
Any questions or accusations, please feel free to PM me.

Cheers, AV...