Protocol For Second Shareholders meeting, Sunday 04.00 eReptime

Day 909, 11:03 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding

Big thank's to all of you who attended the shareholders meeting. Here is the protocol fron GBH second shareholders meeting.

1. Election of additional boardmembers
(a) New members
Gudrun Schyman, Carlos, Qwerty95 and Peter Potatis were elected as members of GBH board of directors on one month term. All votes were in favour of the nominations. Fredrik1984 decided to leave the board due to personal matters.

(b) Salary
Members of Board are offered 20 shares each at 20% discount. Chairman is offered 40 at 25% discount. All votes in favour. Shares are to be purschased of the market.

Directors who whish to take advantage of this need to notice Chairman prior day 917. Directors who did not attend the meeting will not receive this benefit.

2. Dividend
(a) Percentage of profit
In order to be fully capitalized in preparation to V2 it’s decided 25% of profits are paid out as dividends equally among outstanding shares. All votes in favour.

(b) Frequency
Payment is to be due twice a month. All votes in favour.

3. New Emissions
No new issue of shares will be made, topic were dropped. No vote carried out.

4. Extra Topic – Management of cash reservs
Backgroun😛 As stated earlier some Gold (20), have been traded on the MM by an extern manager in order to collect profit while waiting to be invested in GBH. The trader was promised 15% of profit as payment for this service. When GBi opened the Multy Strategy Fund I decided to move the money there. I had two reasons for this.

A. GBi is cheaper, if the fund grown to 30G the hired trader would charge us 1.5G whilst GBi only would charge 0.6G. This means GBi only const half as much.

B. By having them in GBiM, GBH have full control of the funds, since GBi is 100% owned by me, Yossi Ghinsberg.

Someone raised the issue weather it was suitable that I, as owner of GBi would receive a fee for the management of this cash. This is a somewhat resonable pint so we woted and majority was for keeping the money with GBH. Though I have decided to pay the GBi fee from my citizen account to GBH.

Thats all from this meeting. I apollogize for beeing late with the statement, but i will have it published any day now.

Kind Regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Holding