Presidential Endorsement

Day 3,756, 13:49 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Vincent Rekdal has led eSwiss honorably. He is a team player. As a relatively new citizen of this wonderful eNation, Tef1 appreciates, a member who has a characteristics that prefers a "we are in this together" than one that suggests "You are on your own." Since my arrival to our great land from eUSA, Vincent Rekdal, has been magnificently helpful. Tef1 has seen his leadership.

That is why, The News Squad, at the direction of the Honorable Tef1, enthusiastically endorses Vincent Rekdal for ePresidency of eSwiss.

Just in case you are not familiar with this wonderful leader. A picture of him is provided below. Wait, what was that? you need more information? Sure why not? TNS has nothing to hide. Here you go. This is his profile.

On to victory, tomorrow. Remember, a victory for Vincent Rekdal, is a victory for eSwiss, so regardless of your party affiliation, it is time to put PID aside and vote for what is right for our beloved eNation.

May Clifford Burns be with you all.