President Oblige x4

Day 1,568, 15:37 Published in USA Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

Some people might be are mad at Oblige because of his constant success at being president. I mean, he was just president of the US 4 consecutive times,

He has beaten-
Glove with 62.4% of the vote
Draak with 62.99% of the vote
Vanek with 54.8% of the vote
and finally, as you all know,
Israel Stevens with 53.2% of the vote
I believe there was some

in there too.
So anyways....

This last election had some spice as well, with some Israel Stevens supporters changing a few small parties names, as can be read more in detailhere. But that's cool, because boring elections like the one in January are just boring. We need something to make this silly GAME we play interesting. Otherwise we wouldn't play it. I believe it is good, as Jude Connors would put, that people are so butthurt over everything.

That's the only reason I continue to play this game, I don't know about you guys. I thoroughly congratulate President Oblige in his efforts, and I really don't see why people bother running against him.

Draak and Glove came out of the election mostly unscathed, but lost a lot of activity after that. Vanek took his loss with some degree of lost respect by citizens all around the globe, and I have a feeling that Israel will too, for the minor party thing. Whether that was or wasn't his fault, it happened, and Gnilraps was quick to call it out here. All of the people he presented facts about commented on the article, so I suggest you check that out. It's pretty cool the Federalist party has won for the past 4 months, so for all you people that don't know what party to join, join us Proud/Horny feds.

And to all you Feds, there's a fun activity coming up in the forums soon. You will see......
And for another article about the elections on the 5th by portcolumbus, click here

Thanks for reading. If you liked, vote and sub!
As always, love,
