President Numbnutties makes a blunder

Day 1,945, 02:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Perhaps the following logic or lack of it why he up for impeachment.

ReleaseThe Krakken :also dont see how jumping into an alliance hastily when we have threats from a big country is a good thing. ReplyVote 0
MUFC992: Yesterday, one of the biggest eCountries in the world made serious threats to us. It’s eSpain and their Government member Mininuns who openly stated that if eIreland joins CUA, Spain will invade us. That’s a threat made by a huge country, probably 10 times stronger then us, but without right to decide bout OUR future. People of Ireland choosen their future alliance and side by huge majority of votes and there’s no power in the world which can stop eIreland from doing what its citizens want

learn 2 read ReplyVote 0 Day 1,945, 02:06
Releasethe Krakken: actually numbnutties I read that but just saying something doesn't make it necessarily the truth. Breaking down what you sai😛
1. Spain made threats against us. - This should be handled by MOFA
2. They will invade us if we join CUA. Perhaps send a spanish player there to place an article there asking how many supported these threats and campaigning for us .
3. without right to decide about our future- lets explain this germany + japan vs the rest of the world. Italy wants to join them therefore join the battle against the rest of the world. Does the rest of the world have the right to state the obvious that if you join the enemy whom we are fighting we will also be fighting you? I think History answers that one don't you?
4. There is no power that can stop eIreland from doing what its citizens want: Mmm so if Ireland decides tomorrow in RL to attack the USA they wouldnt kill all of the Irish people. There is no terrorism in this game so actually we cant just do what we want thats the basics of s strategy game and as CP why you dont understand this is beyond me. Vote 0 Day 1,945, 02:20

I also see now by him the following: In his new avatar there is written ETA which of course refers to:

if his aggression didnt bring us near the brink of a war him supporting an org that many spanish would consider a terrorist organisation would certainly get us there.

Impeach Impeach Impeach!