Day 721, 19:46 Published in USA USA by Paquitin">

I had an interview with the President of eUSA


Official Site:">">"> Paquitin: First and mostly i would like to thank you very much for accepting this public interview on behalf of the BBGsite Community and the BBGsite Staff.
So that every reader knows what and who this interview is about
Here is brief information
Official Site:">Paquitin: Good morning Josh Frost ( eUSA President ) Recently not even a week ago you became the President of the eRepublik eUSA, Before we get into depth in the interview, can you please give us brief information on how you came about becoming the President of USA in eRepublik, What strategy did you use, HOW did you do it and how long did it take you?"> Paquitin:Can you tell us exactly how was your first week in eRepulik, you know we all begin as NOOBS and have dreams, was it within your goals to one day reach your status?">Josh: Most new players have a rough first week. The jobs you get will not pay you a lot and you will probably find the game quite boring. As you pass level 5 it gets more enjoyable and you can fight, vote and eventually join the military or run for political office. I thought I could achieve what I have, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to. As I matured as a player I knew one day I would run for the presidency, but I am honored the USA citizens voted for me.">Paquitin: Did you get to where you're at Alone? did you struggle? did a certain organization help you or did you Cheat in any way to reach your goal in Politics?">Josh: I had a lot of mentors in the game that helped me along the way. Guys like Ananias, Scrabman, Emerick, Eugene Harlot, Leroy Combs, tdwester, and probably a million others helped me out greatly. As far as cheating goes no, getting over 2500 votes in an election requires a lot of work and a lot of dedicated supporters.">Paquitin:You have alot of people following you, you also made a thread to your campaign, can you provide a link for us so that our readers can read your entry Thanks">Josh: I will give you both the in-game link and the google link for those who do not join the game.
Here is the platform I wrote for the campaign:]">Paquitin: As you remain in the highest Seat of government, What are your plans ? anything that you're working on right now? How do you go on about to keeping your seat next election or will you give your seat up?">Josh:Well, first off I want to end some open wars I have with some of the USA’s enemies. Having open wars in the game leaves the nation open to attack. That said, I intend to confront our enemies wherever they may be. If they attack us or our allies I intend to retaliate with everything the USA has to offer. It is a fun game and if you are willing to stick with it the community of people alone make it worth it. You can literally help fashion the nation to your liking if you put forth the time and effort.
As far as my future plans go, I have no idea. If I do a good job as President I plan on running for re-election and then slipping into a relatively quiet retirement helping new players. Anyone interested in joining the game should sign up using my referral link we are using the gold gained from it to fund MPP’s with other countries (those are Mutual Protection Pacts). Profile Link:">Paquitin:Before i conclude the interview, i want to ask you a personal question, you can choose to answer it or not, We all know that the presidential power comes with great responsibilities and demands... Its not such an easy task, you have to communicate on a daily basis, The real question is, How is the job treating you and how do you deal with your problems.. because i am sure not EVERY single citizen supports you, That is literally impossible.. Are you loyal to your supports?">Josh: First off, I am loyal to all American citizens whether they voted for me or not. That said the Presidency is a rough job. It takes a huge amount of time and is very tiring. I probably spend well over 16-18 hours a day on the game off and on. Luckily I am an insomniac. LOL That said, I have a great cabinet who does a ton of work, so I don’t have to handle everything that comes across my plate.">Paquitin:Thank you very much Mr.President, i want to thank you immensely for your cooperation, my previous request to another president FAILED and they did not want to PERSONALLY be interviewd, he reffered me to his " Press Manager " so this is the first step for us to understand that you mean serious business and mutual understanding for both the society and the government. THANK YOU!
Thank you I am always willing to help a fellow gamer.