Plato, why?

Day 1,531, 12:13 Published in USA Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

I was promised a sale. A sale, of half off company upgrades. What did I get? Nothing. Plato has been silent, presumably off trapping little children in his basement somewhere.

I have been saving up my gold for too long. This is an outrage. Countries should just stop fighting and work together to destroy Plato!

You had a gold sale, for 30% cheaper, but yet followed up with no company upgrade price reduction. This has made me angry.

Rage face angry. But whatever. This should all blow over soon. Plato is bound to give us upgrade, right? Right? Or maybe not.

There is much doubt in my heart the good eCitizens will see another price drop. I just hope he does this, and then leaves us all alone again.

