Party President for The Binary Party April / May

Day 878, 12:48 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub

First of all, a huge thank you to the party that chose me as their party president this month. It is a great honor to be serving the party like this.
When I started playing eRepublik all the way back in 2009, as far back as November, I had no idea I would be sucked into the politics of the game. I kind of blame Xenius / Scorpius, and also Damien / Bob Turkee. They were all too friendly and helpful. Along the way I've got to know the other cool guys in Binary Party. So I've been in the congress for as long as I can remember, even before I can remember.

So what can you expect from me and Binary Party this month

Training ops
I see no reason why our party cannot get the Binary Training Ops back on track. It was a good program, and in times of peace, it is a great service to send those who aren't tied up in politics to the fields of battle. So expect the training ops operative soon!

Food program
Have you noticed all the adds on cheap houses? Some of these nice organizations even return Q1 bread for your long earned Gold. Yea, it's scamming. It is low, and unjust. We're not into that, but some time ago we had an awesome member, areqw, who ran a food program for those who don't are as rich as the other player. We want to get this up and running again. For those who starts to think this is acts of corruption to get more members, I can assure you the breads will not contain any drugs or hidden Gold. It will be regular bread with no strings attached, just a friendly service from obviously the best party ever. 🙂
Let me just add, that this service is in no way copy protected, so feel free to adopt the idea.

Alive and kicking
As always, The Binary Party is welcoming new players to the IRC-channel. Stop by and have a chat with our esteemed members. Expect Binary Party to participate actively in congress discussion on the forum. Expect the Binary Party to take its responsibility in preventing foreign forces try to steal our land through unjust means (like what Seko38 did a couple of weeks ago). I for one will meet the other parties in cooperation to prevent possible future PTOs.

Is Binary Party for you?
If you want to be part of a party and vote for a party that takes an active part in the political game of eRepublik, then join Binary Party. Your support is important to us, and it motivates our congress members to keep pushing for what serves our eCountry. If you want to step up and join congress, feel free to come in to our channel and get to know us. Our main channels of communication, in addition to the newspaper, is our forum and our IRC-channel.

Thank you for reading, and have a nice eDay!
Party President of Binary Party,
Tommy Skaue / Cherub