Party President ellections

Day 3,951, 10:33 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

Why i want to go for party president.

We have to try to be a party for the people by giving the party control to the members themselves.
We do not need a Party Constitution. The actions of the individual reflect upon that individual and though they may appear to be damaging to the party as a whole, do not see that this way.

We do not need Party President primaries. If someone wants to run, we should only ask that they inform the current PP of their intentions so as to give ample time to schedule and host a debate between the old en new candidate PP.

We do need a party structure. We are not a group of elites and you will not be denied admittance to it in some silly effort to keep the status quo intact. That being said, you can't just join uss because you want to feel privileged or be able to wave around some meaningless title. We assign people based on merit, activity, and dedication. Being eager to work hard and communicate regularly...

We are anti elitarian... we are pro freedom...