Party President elections(the candidates)

Day 1,791, 07:38 Published in Belgium Belgium by tommot
Party president elections.

I know, it's a bit late. But you can thank the makers for placing a maintenance-cycle in the middle of the elections.

These are the candidates:

Res Belgica: NLSP, Spinsauce, GoopyPants, fanfan78782, William Tom Robert Legend
Belgium for Belgians: Jofroi, David Cnudde, Manekemaan, jamster737
H.O.P.E.: BrunoCND, wolf-stone, ombrenoire, Vlaeyen
All TOgethers: tommot
The Om Party: Gary McNichols
Bastards of Liberty Belgium: kristof von, truluruururururur, Gallica
Supreme Syndicate of Elitists: Cooke4444
LibertarianCommunistCollective: Vincent Pain, GSmyrlis, Viridi
Belgian Monarchist Party: Ray Captain, Kaad, Royaume de Belgique(Banned)
LameCommunistCrap: Konrad Neumann
Zamiatinist Revolutionaries: Kylero, Jens Leupe

No,... no links this time(just no time)

Choose your candidate carefully. He/she will be the voice of your party.

Please do vote and/or subscribe
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