Party Elections, Graduations, and Snazzy Awards

Day 844, 15:28 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

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Welcome everyone! Today I have several things to talk about, mainly updates in Switzerland's political life, and recent community events.

Party Elections:

The Party Elections are on the 15th, so I bring a general update of each party and what's happening.

Swiss Liberal Party: Lynari is running against redM. Lynari, being a long-time Swiss Citizen and 14 levels higher than redM is most likely going to win, but who knows?

Swiss Democratic Party: Nicktheh is running against Paul Proteus. Nicktheh has held the spot of Party President for quite a while, but has recently delved into two-clicking and posting pictures of girls with skimpy clothing (not that I'm complaining). We'll see who wins on the 15th!

Swiss Neutrality Party: Steve Vevey is running with no opponents. I've never even heard of him, but we'll see how he does as PP.

Swiss Brainslug Party: Icewood is of course running. Who would dare challenge the chief brainslug?

Vive la Resistance: Avers II is running. I wonder why Son of Stormkin, our former president, isn't running. Could it be because we haven't heard from him for a month?

MJ12 Swiss Front: Some guy called zRTx is running. Good luck, dude!

Movement Collectivist Marxist: Let's see who's running... Walther Rathenau. Walther Rathenau? Isn't he our current president? What's he doing in the Marxist party? (Then again, what am I doing in the Marxist party?)

Well I'm a bit disappointed that only two parties will actually be seeing any political action. I fully expect the SLP elections to be a massacre in favor of Lynari, so the real hot spot will be the SDP, where Paul Proteus runs against Nicktheh. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Swiss Mentor Program Graduation:

I am delighted to announce that the Swiss Mentor Program has had our first graduation. Karamoko is now officially an active member of the community!

We here in the Swiss Mentor Program are so proud of you, Karamoko. You've dodged flames, trolls, and boredom to become an active member of eRepublik. Not only is this a great boon for the Swiss society, it also means I win 5 dollars in a bet.

As a reward, here some bling for you!

Snazzy Awards:
Today, I was pleased to accept the official Award for Cultural Achievement. In fact, I am the FIRST to receive the award, which means I'm famous! FAMOUS!

Apparently, I also get some money, which is awesome.

In other news...
A new Romanian embassy is established in eSwitzerland!
Switzerland once again has a border with France!
Walther Rathenau, our president, has proposed plenty of random proposals for congressman XP purposes.

That's all! Have a great eLife everyone!

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