One North American Continent, One North American Nation?

Day 475, 21:16 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

In a one quick moment, American forces invaded simultaneously the last 3 remaining areas of Mexico. It is obvious that this is a stretch, and like a fat kid in a cow pasture, Sam may have bitten off more than he chew. However, with the support of the American people, we as a nation, can pull this off. 7 Nations will oppose us in three regions, but if we fought like the fate of the three regions we are fighting in meant it, we WILL emerge victorious.

With this hasty blitzkrieg, we stop the possibility of Italy from adding their whiny voices to the PEACE opposition. I say we should have let them come, we will need all the tourists we can get once we snatch the last of mexico up.

And with all this war, this rightful imperialism, many of us will envision One North American Nation. In 22 hours, when our disgruntled foriegn neighbors, become our disgruntled neighbors, many citizens will look north to cananda. DO NOT urge war with canada. Urge a merger between our two nations. War will just drain 75% of our treasury, due to treaty constaints.

DO however, when mexico becomes America, keep looking south. Glare at brazil, and call for war against them. And maybe, one day, America can become the richest, largest, and most powerfull empire in the world. TWO American Continents, and One American Nation. Something that will make indonesia pay homage to their masters.