Day 1,384, 06:40 Published in Croatia Greece by Nikolaos D Sklhros

At first, I would like to congratulate the Croatian community and the whole EDEN and TERRA for erasing for the fisrt time eSerbia from the map.
Congrats to all!! o7

To the main body of tmy article.We witnessed the act of Serbia to help and save(again) FYROM from destruction.Serbia made as it's N.E. Bulgaria, Croatia answered to the help call of Bulgaria and the second day of the War, Romania came back on the map and we all know how that ended.As the croatian MOFA sais, Serbia was standing alone with the help of Hungary.Their so loved allies, FYROM was fighting against Greece trying to prevent the greek soldiers from aiding EDEN's effort in Serbia(FYROM failed to do even that).And how FYROM helped Serbia?Of course by attacking Central Greece!You laugh I know.Not only FYROM didn't help but they thougth they could defeat Greece in 1 vs 1 battle.Greece not only won in Central Greece but the greek region of Macedonia was also liberated and in the end of the day the Greek soldiers were fighting in the Serbia's front.

If FYROM was the only country that didn't hepled Serbia from the whole ONE alliance, I would say "It's ok" but where were the Spanish? Another country that is in need of damage everyday.They said as an excuse that they hold USA from invading Europe...OMG...I thought that USA was already in Europe and with one attack they can take Castilla y Leon and roi mat.They are supposed to do 200 millions of damage everyday but this not true.They have given spanish cs to so many EDEN soldiers.. 🙂Of course the spanish pay their absence form the other fields of battle whenever FYROM has battles with Greece.If you see well, when FYROM is ahead in the battle, Spain is losing the battle and the opposite.If you see the battles, you will see what I say.

As for Poland, they are the ONE and it seems to be the one and only country that deserves everything.The polish think that they are the best, they are the top and so they come to aid whenever they went, everywhere they want.They are the leaders as they anted and as they were in EDEN long time ago.It is sad to see Serbia to be the No 2 while Serbia has the biggest and strongest army in the eWorld.The Polish tried to make borders with Croatia but they were so slow that everyone can think...Do they really want to help or they just wait until Serbia is erased and then Hungary and then they'll come as saviors?

And so we come to the conclusion.We have an alliance in which, Serbia and Hungary are the countries that are helping everybody.FYROM because in 1 vs 1 can't defeat Greece or Bulgaria, cries for help to the Serbs and the Serbs come and get erase😛p.Spain can't stand against TERRA in any circumstanses if ONE is not supporting her and finaly Poland which think that everyone should serve her.Sweeden is in it's own world.With such an alliance they cannot defeat a brotherhood.

The war is continuing the side that helps it's allies most will win.EDEN wins until now...

Nikolaos Sklhros