Obligatory Campaign Notice

Day 1,525, 15:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Yes. It is true. Once again I am running for the Dail. Let's hope this time is better than last. I was the first candidate after the cutoff point last time. Oh so close. lol

Many of you know me. I have been here long enough. But there may be some of you who don't know me as well as you would like to.

Currently I am a member of LIBERTAD. Moomoohead asked me to join a while back but I declined at first. I joined after my term as Minister of Community. I am the 2nd Commander of the 2nd Regiment.

Like I said I was MoC but I have also been MoD, Party President a couple of times and held several posts in the old IDF and in the IA. I have also been a member of the Dail a few times. I served as CC in the Dail as well as a moderator on the last national forum before the current one.

You can also learn a little about me by reading about me in Dan Breens paper. The article can be found here.

I am running as a member of the Irish Independent Party. Since my only criteria for an idea is if it will be effective not which political philosophy it comes from I am truly independent. So I feel right at home here.

So anyway. I would appreciate your support on the 25th.

Anthony Colby