Now lets get to work Oregon!

Day 584, 08:04 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

Well, BEFORE we get to work, I believe many thank-yous and well-wishing is in order. I would like to thank first and foremost every Oregonian that voted yesterday, whether it was for Dramaus Katan, or me. It is you, that keeps the fabric of democracy alive. Also, I do have to thank the people who did vote for me, giving me a chance to serve them as effectivly as I can.

I give thanks to the UIP, and a special thanks to all the other partys that endorsed me for Congress. The CVP, AAP, and Federalist party presidents all deserve that special thanks. So, thank you to mattoze, Bill Brasky, and Aren Perry (also changewillcome from AAP). I look forward to working with ALL partys and all citizens in congress, and those endorsements only reflect future bi-partisanship and independance. Also, I have asked Dramaus Katan to be my special envoy to the USWP, in order to facilitate a most effective CAPS administration.

And also, a major thank-you to former three-term Oregon congressman, Ssomo. Ssomo endorsed me, and believed in me for congress. Ssomo, beyound simply endorsing me, helped (and countinues to help) me with many aspects of Congress. For example, the changing of the guard of the helm of the Oregon cabinet.

The first thing I want to accomplish and get done as Oregon Congressman, is to set the groundwork for a Oregon consensus. The Oregon cabinet is just that; a gathering of Oregonians that tell me what to do. I invite all Oregonians to join the Oregon cabinet, by following this link, and filling out the document.

Lastly, I give you all my voting record for today....
Straight NO's to all new proposals, except for the donate to the budget office. My reason for straight NO's is that protocol for proposing new laws was not followed, and most, if not all proposals today were for the 'lulz'. It is unfortuanate to see congressmen begin their new administrations on such a low note, and I hope that from now on all congressmen will make serious proposals, and use them wisely.

ALSO!! To all Oregonians... VOTE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! The National Siren is your outlet to the congress, and your way to keep me accountable.

Thank you all, and God bless!