New missions & new buildings (Day 1,283)

Day 1,283, 12:45 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by simcris2210

În ziua 1283 a Noii Lumi Plato ne aduce în dar două noi misiuni (după realizarea celorlate trei anterioare) "Join the Rebuilding effort" şi "The daily Bread" alături de încă 4 (patru) noi/vechi buildings, 3 Grain Farms şi a Food Factory necesare realizării misiunilor respective.
Nu ştiu cât de necesare ne erau/vor fi aceste 4 noi buildings-uri ce ne-au fost dăruite dar cred că se vor a fi, mai degrabă, ca o compensaţie pentru ceea ce s-a petrecut cu Economia în ultima perioadă.

Descrierea misiunilor:

Join the Rebuilding effort
The economy is in turmoil and new companies have emerged. Use your land and start building an economic empire to become a powerful citizen and help your country.
* Have 3 Grain Farms 0/3 grain farms
* Have a Food Factory
* Get gold
Hint:You will find some buildings on your Land

The daily Bread
Time to start production! Being healthy is all about proper alimentation and now you can make your own Food. Later on, you could sell it and make some extra bucks, this would help you develop over time!
* Work in a Grain Farm 2/3 grain farms
* Work in a Food Factory
* Have 20 Food in storage
Hint:First, work on your Grain Farms to produce Food Raw Materials. Then, work in your Food Factory to turn the raw materials into proper Food.

În "My Land" vă va apărea:
New buildings on your land
An old Food Factory and some abandoned Grain farms were lying on your land for ages.
Restoring them it's quite an easy job, so you could restart production in no time!

Cele patru noi cladiri:

Pentru a fi active şi a putea să lucraţi în ele (realizând astfel şi cele două misiuni) trebuie să daţi restore building :

• Recompensele sunt "pe măsură":

"Join the Rebuilding effort":
+2 Experience points +5 RON

"The daily Bread":
+2 Experience points +10 Food units

003 - 26.05.2011 - 22:45 (romanian hour) - Day 1,283 of the New World, 12:45