New missions....

Day 1,452, 06:21 Published in Russia Bulgaria by TheGreeneyed

Firstly This is my second article so please excuse me for any mistakes.
Secondly, sorry for not writing it in Russian, but I am not that good at it yet.

So as you know by now, Plato decided (Finally) to give us some new missions.
But while we where expecting something interesting and thrilling (e.g killing epeople in Ebattles) we got this:

1st Mission:

What kind of a mission is that???
Players (at least me) in this game want fast missions. And this mission can take a month or more or even forever...

But we can forgive Plato for 1 not so interesting mission, right?
Ok then let's take a look at the second Mission...

2nd Mission:

We have to work 5 DAYSS in a row? Why??? This is such a long period of time. Why not 2 or 3..??

Moving on....

3rd Mission:

I:Unfortunately I already passed the 1st segment of it before making the article. So you are already looking at it and probably thinking. This one I can pass in 1 hour or so. So you put a high salary on your company, and wait for someone to work. If you have put the highest salary on the job market, you will probably get an employer in less than a min. So someone works for you and the mission is passed. Now you check the reward, expecting (e.g 10-20 tanks or 100 Q5 food) but in exchange you get 40 local currency, in our case 40 рублей + 2 experience points!!!! You probable had to put extra 50 RUB to your job offer and you get 40... That is what I call Disappointment....


And again... You have to work for 4 days... Why Plato.... Why...?

This was from me. Thank you for your time. I will Update the article as soon as I pass the other Missions.
Please do vote and Sub, it really means a lot to me.

And now a little motivation to have a nice day: