New Era Party President Manifesto

Day 2,393, 19:09 Published in United Kingdom USA by Michael Ludgate

1.Hi I'm Michael, I've been your counsellor this month
2.ATO boo, rebirth yay!
3.Vote for me
4.Some more stuff that doesn't fit in one line
6.Good vibes and happiness
7.You still reading?
8.Maybe it's not too long...
9.What happened to 5?

This month we've been at the brink, looked into the abyss and lived to tell the tale. We have remained and our stalwart members continue defiant in the face of opposition.

Party Image / Rebranding
I've discussed with members of New Era the idea of rebranding the party. It's a popular exercise, shedding ones skin like a snake. Making it possible to slither away to return, nefarious as ever, another day. I can understand the desire for tabula rasa, whilst those of us that remain are separate from those that morphed in Vendetta, we are also alike in too many ways to allow a line in the sand that everyone else can appreciate. If New Era runs from it's past, it will always do just that. Having cut out the tumour many thought inoperable, we live on. Why then should we put wallpaper up and repaint the signage, why pretend we've abandoned our values, why accept that our desire to see eUK advance in our imagining was false and tainted, that it was a lie. No! we will not lay down quietly and submit to the will of those that previously manipulated us.

Although the burden of reform is heavy, with clear lungs and long stride we move onwards. This week I was asked again to 'let the party die with dignity', I say the party had no dignity - now we are building that up. One day fair citizens will look upon New Era and be pleased we are a part of the political landscape. Whilst we don't always agree, it'll be with the goal of advancing discussion that explores the best way forward.

Shared History / Shared Future
New Era and Vendetta are parties split by methodology, we have the same zeal to gain influence in politics, the same desire to see what we believe to be the best policies for the reform of a generally stagnant country. We have are both left wing parties, Vendetta went further left to anarchy (their term) and New Era went slightly to the right in left of center / center libertarian. In large part, this reflect our desire to moderate and V's desire to oppose or to become an open antagonist of the current regime. When all said and done, we both sit naturally left of center. Moderately looking out for everyman. Maybe if we got excited over the thought of political shiny stuff, they'd be more desire for right-wing politics! But as it is, if your not an angry kid with too much time, ePolitics is significantly less rewarding that the rl version.

As I've said before, and so it should come as no shock in future, I envisage long term either the repatriation of both parties or a close working relationship where members feel free to join the party most close aligned with their objectives - without fear of ridicule or being cast out.

New Era Today & Tomorrow
Much has been said about the dead shell that is New Era, but out of the ashes rise people willing to take up the challenge. Even when we were further wounded by the loss of Goku, elected by primary under Mr Woldy's ATO oversight, we continue on. Those of us left taking up the torch to lead us to a new dawn, a new time, a New Era. I've received messages and friendship requests as new blood enters the party, sometimes it's a quiet joining of our ranks, other times a more emphatic declaration that we look interesting / reborn / represent them. Numbers will fluctuate as inactive accounts awaken from slumber or people decide V offers something different again. But I'm not worried while new players are joining up, because that is the ultimate mark of life, new growth. However well I do, another term as a party official, maybe party president, I'll always be the wood and the base of the plant. It'll be the new members reaching up as green shoots for the sunlight of tomorrow.

As a reflection to what I've said about Vendetta, it shouldn't come as much surprise that we think similarly and approach problems with a similar style. I did chuckle at the idea of a shadow cabinet. I think it's a fantastic idea, and if done with regard to the spirit of moving eUK forward it will be welcomed by everyone. Should it degenerate into a tool for berating those in power and a powerful channel of officiated propaganda, it will be very destructive making people weary of all forms of political activity.

New Era's focus is more inward looking at the moment, I feel passionately that 'you can do more good in the world by keeping your own yard clean'. Seeking to resolve our largest trouble and one which spilled over into ATO is our ability or rather lack, to self govern. I seek to setup a party chairmanship, a party within a party - a shadow party whose sole responsibility to the party is to ensure the leadership stick to the core values in spirit & practice. This would take a form similar to TUP's 'The Council of Unity', ensuring there is a known respected voice that can call the party vote to question the actions of our leaders. I have a clear image of how this would work, but it's too long to write about now.

Manifesto Specific

I formulated and accepted amendments to these core points, designed to ensure our leaders don't drop below a standard that would lead to lack of trust, respect or a return to ATO actions of late. And as I expect of all New Era candidates running for party president, I hereby declare that I Michael Ludgate will uphold the spirit of these guiding principles which will be enshrined as core party policy. The points within may be added to, but not reduced or detracted from so as to pervert the spirit under which they were originally written.

I'm here for the long term, New Era isn't going to complete it's transformation this week, this month or even this year. We've taken important first steps, but more is required. Whilst I certainly wont be running for president over the entire period (as per guiding principles)

I seek to engage people in politics, making sure the titled members (and the PP) aren't taking on too much responsibility where someone else would be happy to help out and could benefit from the experience.

Whilst I'm happy to discuss policy, I seek to shield members on a day-to-day basis from wordy stuff. The guiding principles is a nasty document for the tl;dr crowd, but an important hurdle to clear for New Era's future integrity. I'm patently aware the creation of which makes me look very boring and no fun. But do not fear, I can compartmentalize!

I support controlled immigration, such that our political and cultural system is not endangered. 1000 Serbs should be living in Serbia, because that's home, where their customs come first. This is not just about our benefit, but recognising social responsibility both of poaching foreign players and thrusting them into an alien environment.

Thus I have a policy of supporting Serbs immigration no more than any country. Special relationships are between countries, not between us and factions.

I support immigration without regard to politics, this is however not possible within eRep system where citizen voting power is far greater than rl - if someone suggested importing votes in rl, you'd rightly laugh. Thus the only fair way is to discuss with other parties and reach agreements over fair selection.

I haven't been a party president before, but hopefully you've seen that I do put the time in. I'm thoughtful to all sides of an argument and seek to mediate in reaching a solution. Most importantly I learn from everyone, you can have input by suggesting something for consideration or where appropriate highlighting an error.

I will reward and keep close to me those who provide constructive criticism, yes men aren't my thing and I believe are actually very dangerous.

As previously noted V and New Era are not at loggerheads, where their policy is in-line with our guiding principles and policy they will enjoy our support; Of particular note policies relating to bonuses (foreign regions occupied), training wars, minimum wage and taxes.

I don't have enemies, I have people who didn't see eye-to-eye. I seek to ensure respect and an open dialogue remain. Heated debate is ok, abuse isn't. Not being a moron isn't particularly hard, but it can be boring; Because all it requires is sticking to a code of common decency, instead of randomly selecting today's response. I hope these are character traits you value in your party president.

Hail eUK 07
Hail New Era 07

Michael Ludgate
New Era - Councillor