My Vision for Clan Wolf

Day 1,759, 12:30 Published in Canada Canada by Quim B. Muffins

First let me begin by offering my heartfelt condolences to Tyrael Snow on the lose of his friend. eRepublic merely a game, an escape, real life has a way of putting things into perspective. I hope for nothing but health and happiness in near future for Tyrael. Love you man.

To my fellow candidates, it’s been an honour to campaign with you all. Whoever wins this crazy race, will be more than qualified to lead this party and I hope that every member of Clan Wolf gives them their full support. It is my hope that this Party Presidential campaign has brought the party together, I hope that it has helped engage political thought, I hope that it is the beginning of a new politically-active era for Clan Wolf.

I have debated, much of last night and today, as to whether I want to attack my fellow candidates on their records, their experience or their ideas. Did I want to start slinging mud, was it at that point in the campaign? Would my bad mouthing the other candidates earn me extra votes? I think not. Nope, I think it would be better to run on the merits of my own ideas and my own experiences. I have ran, I believe, an honourable campaign. I have tried to be positive and focused. I will remain so.

Let’s talk about my experience as a politician. I have yet to hold office in eCanada. I have been a Canadian citizen for the majority of my 2 and a half years as a player, but this is my first real foray into the eCanada political scene. RL and the development of my brand, has held me back up until this point. I have been active, at least as a commentator and a friend to those deeply involved in eCanadian politics but this is the first time I have really put myself out there.

I was, way back in 2010, a 3 time Congressperson of the eCzech Republic. I was part of a group of like-minded citizens that tried to create a socialist government. Those were heady times, there were a few victories and a ton of defeats. The eCzech Republic was under constant attack from its neighbours and there were many PTO attempts. As the months passed, it became increasingly clear that the eCzech Republic was not going to survive the constant attacks. It saddened me but I left, returning to eCanada, where I tried to build a life there.

I’ve spent time as a citizen of eIsrael and eFrance. As recently as last month I was the Canadian Ambassador to Ireland. I had a some constructive talks with the Irish President, who, then NEed Poland, helping us greatly during our RWs late last month. I am not taking credit for this, I am just stating that I offered an olive branch to the Irish people, and they then NEed our foe. Coincident, perhaps, but I’d like to think I helped in my own little way.

Anyway, enough about the past. Lets focus on the present and speculate about the future. My vision for Clan Wolf, if I am elected, is one of consensus. I believe that we need to work with other parties in order to compete with the cabul that is the Coalition. They are the issue. They are who we need to focus our attention against. If Canada is going to free itself from tyranny and once again become a free and fully functioning democracy there needs to be cooperation amongst the non-Coalition parties, big and small.

And don’t get me wrong. I respect Rolo, I would not for one second believe that I can compete with him on an individual level. He is the Wayne Gretzky of eCanada. My issue with him and his Coalition is that he cheats, it’s that he uses his vast wealth and network to totally control the game. It is my hope that we as a group can take Canada back. I want new blood in Congress, new blood at the CP level. I want fresh ideas, I want clean government. I am dead against the buying of votes. I believe is participatory democracy. I believe the candidate with the best ideas, that offers the best vision for a successful eCanada that works for all citizens young and old.

So there, that’s all I’ve got right now. That is me in a nutshell. A vote for me is a vote for clean, participatory government. Let’s get eCanada working again, let’s clean the ship.

Keep your sticks on the ice,
Be excellent to each other,