My Vision-

Day 1,454, 20:20 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Fellow eCanadian’s,
Today I would like to formerly present my Party Presidential Platform for this upcoming month. I have great things In mind but, additionally the people of eCanada, so without further or more see below to see my vision for the CanVision Party of eCanada this upcoming month.
First off I would like to touch base of the CanVision Trust. I’ve been a member of the CVP for nearly 2 months now and honestly as a member I don’t know how to use the service myself. I would to develop the program so that eCanadian’s have a place to turn during financials crisis or for some other unknown reason.

Secondly, the party platform. Over the past few weeks we have been compiling a list of ideas of what we would want to include in a Party platform to represent the CVP. Not only will we hope this will bring in a few extra members but add a whole new meaning to the party and its direction it’s about to take. It might take a while to get everything sorted out and voted on but, it’s that extra time to make it something special.

Ever since our scare back in October the party has dropped roughly 30
members from the election date. Of course this was expected due to the fact that there was a lot of outside help involved into pushing the CVP into Top 5. Can Vision as of now is 11 members away from reaching top 5 status in eCanada. More news on the Party’s recruitment campaign will be published later.

Lastly, I would like to say that I am eager to start working with the CanVision Party and eCanada in hope that the CVP can reach top 5 status in eCanada.
On the 15th of November make it a changing day in eCanada by voting Venoms III in the CanVision Party.
Venoms III

”Something strange going on here... these guys sound honest.”