My Opinion: The Belgian Army

Day 1,372, 08:58 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Fellow friends,

There has been a lot of debate lately about the Belgian Army, which includes the Belgian Armed Forces as well as the Belgian Training Academy. I am the party president of the Belgian Communist Party, and as the official spokesman, let me tell you my opinion on this whole issue.

The Belgian Armed Forces. I used to be in it, for almost 5 months. Were the amount of supplies little? Kind of, but not that bad. Did the supplies take a long time to be delivered? Yes. Now, I would like to point out that we are a small country, and of course we cannot possibly be able to have a strong army, such as the USA. That's obvious. However, what we can do, is still be able to have our army functioning, but perhaps evaluate how the supplies are being sent and so on. These are little improvements we can make in the Belgian Armed Forces, that will allow for it to grow and actually do it's sole purpose, which is to help the people of Belgium.

The Belgian Training Academy is another branch in the Belgian Army, which is sort of like a private branch. Elynea, a very mother-like figure, is in charge of helping these new citizens by giving them food as well as teaching them about the basics of eRepublik, which I find admirable. Her cause however, is not funded enough, in my opinion. To me, the Belgian Training Academy is much more successful than the Belgian Armed Forces, and therefore it should receive more funding. As of now, each month, Elynea only receives 4000 BEF... to feed 50 members? I really don't think that's enough. That is why I proposed to Elynea that if I am Country President, I will make sure to establish a commune system for the Belgian Training Academy, so that it can be a good learning experience for new players, and enable them to have a nice transition into the Belgian Armed Forces. If the Belgian Treasury is not able to support such a commune system, then perhaps just increasing the monthly donation to 8000 BEF will help oh so much.

And so, now you know my true opinion. I hope this helps you understand more on my viewpoint, the viewpoint of the party president of the Belgian Communist Party.

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine