MoD Article. Day 1750

Day 1,750, 18:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Hello Ireland. The war is not going in our favor. We have put up one hell of a fight but it does not look like it will be enough.

As to how we got into this position that is not what this article is about. As a member of Congress and a Cabinet Minister I was there for some of the discussions. I know how this war got started.

I am here to talk about the people who have allowed us to put up as good of a fight as we have. The members of the Ministry of Defense have done one hell of a job keeping us supplied and getting as much help as they could. Malbekh, stpucca, BiednyMis, Meow2 are the other members of the Ministry of Defense. They all deserve thanks for the work they have done. Other people who deserve your thanks are sawc, Winston Hope Smith and Bhane. Their contributions on and off the field of battle during this war were well appreciated by those who know what they did, but everyone should know they deserve our thanks. The other group that deserves our thanks is every soldier who fought to defend Ireland, Irish citizen or not. As MoD I thank you.

Now if you need someone to blame for our performance that person would be ME. I am the man with the title after his name. I would take the credit if things went well so I should take the blame when they don't. Be it my lack of IRC use which limits my communication to not doing enough to help get more supplies to our soldiers, I could have done more. I take full responsibility for the performance of our army. No one has thrown me under the bus, I have fallen on my sword. I am taking blame because I feel I deserve it. I could have done more for all of you and for Ireland.

As I said our Ministry did a great job against a foe as powerful as Poland. They don't deserve any blame. Even the Administration did as good of a job as possible with the circumstances that were forced upon them. What we need now is to be unified. Put our differences aside and work together in the last few days of this administration and the one that will follow. Our next President will have quite a job ahead of them. Give them your support. No matter who wins.

Please vote this article, shout it out. As many Irish Citizens as possible should read this.

Thank you.

Anthony Colby