Mission statement from the Ministry of Fun

Day 2,396, 13:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

... or some sh*t like that.

OK, having recovered from the numerous fainting spells I've had after I heard I was lumbered with given the Minister of Entertainment position, I thought it was high time to write something.

Truth be told, I hadn't planned on getting this role so I didn't jot down any ideas. What I can assure you is there'll be no "Toe-sucking whilst in a Chelsea strip" scandal whilst i'm at the Ministry of Fun, I can tell you .. it'll be in a Crystal Palace strip, should it actually occur!

Right, as I said, before I got distracted by a horrid flash-back to a newspaper headline from the 90s, my idea cupboard is bare. Anyone got any? LongShotZ did say he has a Game of Thrones roleplay thing; for all I know it's already underway on the forums or IRC, places I only go if I'm dragged kicking and screaming usually.

So, I'll run a competition (OK, an idea just pooped up there). PM me with an idea (link below) and put a précis in the comments below and I'll send 50Q7 tanks to the first idea I run with, 25Q7 tanks to the second and 10Q7 tanks to the third one. eUK citizens ONLY.

Right that's all for now folks!

Neil Lewis
Minister of Entertainment