Ministry of Information Day 1609

Day 1,609, 03:38 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

Hello all you Swiss readers, and welcome to the 3rd Edition of the Ministry of Information. We publish articles every Monday and Friday, so stay tuned.

1.WAR ANALYSIS ( Serbia vs Croatia,Albania,B&H,Italy)
2. Conflict! (interviews)
3. Alliances Comic
4. Election results
5. Did you know?
6. External Links

- SRB vs ITA , CRO , B&H , ALB

-After deletion of Croatia by Serbia, on the same day of the 4 countries have put in a vote law NE on Serbia. They have borders with all 4 countries.That was a big danger for it. Border with Croatia is region Molise in Italy. With Italy they have border in South Dalmatia , but the RW was raised. With Bosnia had more borders. And wa.ith Albania was the only border region Tirana.

-A good Serbian strategic move is to be a quick attack by the Croatian region of Molise, and the release of RW in Southern Dalmatia.

-This way they would lose the border with deleted Croatia, a loss of RW in South Dalmatia lost bu the border with Italy and hence their NE law.

-B&H attack Serbia in region Raska, and Serbia won that battle , and took the initiative. Battle of Raska cost them the loss of Montenegrin region, and this way Montenegro can take the initiative and attack B&H region East Srpska Republic.

-Serbia won RW in South Dalmatia , and Italy would gain the border with Serbia and would attack her. Italy could win that battle and attack North Dalmatia and the would win winning , currently the battle is is 3 : 0 for Italy.

-Albania same time like B&H attack Serbian region Tirana , and they lost battle. Macedonia also attacked Albania to help Serbia , and they conquer Albanian region Southeaster Albania. Now Serbia attack last Albanian region Albanian Coast , and current is 4:5 for Albania.

To summarize: Bosnia was attacked region Raska and lost, Croatia is falling Molise lost the possibility of an attack on Serbia, and Italy is waiting for completion of the uprising in the Southern Dalmatia and after Serbian victory, they attacked Serbia in same region.Albania los battle for Tirana , and now they defending region Albanian coast.

Now Croatia will be back on map over RW in Souther Dalmatia, and they raise one more RW against Serbia in Istra and Kvarner , and probably the gona win , current result is 7:2 for Croatia.
Albania also raise RW in Tirana ,and current result is 3 : 3.

We will continue to follow events on Balcan.

I interviewed two of eSwitzerland’s most prominent figures, Uros95 and Monsieur Guillotine. I asked them what they thought about each other, and the inter-party rivalry going on. Here is what they had to say!


So what do you think about Guillontinism? Why?
Guillontinism is a plague and needs to be stopped. Switzerland was under Theocratic rule in the past and I just don't want that to happen again.

What do you think about Monsieur Guillotine himself?
[Monsieur Guillotine] is a really nice person who has done a lot for Switzerland in the past. But when he went crazy and started to worship baguettes, he just harms Switzerland.

Do you think he should have less power?
Yes, until he gives up his shit religion.

Do you think he is harmful to the Swiss people?
With the religion, yes.

Is there anything else you would like to say?
The main goals of Guillontinism are to establish the Guillontinist State of Switzerland and force everyone to worship baguettes and His Failness Monsieur Baguette. There will be no such state and Switzerland will not worship baguettes.

Monsieur Guillotine:

So what do you think about Guillontinism?
Well... Guillotinism was a religion that my friends and I founded, so of course I think it's great, and honestly it's just so fun and that's what eRepublik is all about right?

What do you think about Uros95? Why do you think he is attacking you so strongly?
Uros95, well I used to respect him a lot, especially when I moved here. He was one of my friends, and we still are friends I guess, just not politically. It seems that he chose a different path in politics as I did, and unfortunately our goals are not the same, and therefore there is clear political tension.

Do you think he is harmful to the Swiss people? Why?
Yes, I think this is very harmful to the Swiss people... he is simply trying to twist the public against me just because it is clear that I have a strong voice in Swiss politics, and honestly it is jealousy. He cannot stand to see such trust from the Swiss people for me, and I feel that his attempts to turn the people against me is just hurting Switzerland.

Is there anything else you would like to say?
I do not hate Uros95, but his actions are not helping anyone, or the country for that matter... instead he is creating division, and being a small country as we are, we cannot afford such petty in-fighting. I understand that we have different visions, but I really do hope that Uros95 will be able to be more professional in the future and think about the Swiss people.

Decide what you want about them, there are their points of view.

OR is it? Here is a comic on our alliances. Purely for fun.

Election results!
Congratulations to
HotFever of the SRC
Monsieur Guillotine of the Guillotinist Guild
SFP- We will see
Rican of the AIM
Helvetia- We will see
Our own Mungos95 of the Swiss Peoples Party


Did you know....

That Serbian MU "Kuka i motika eSrbije" have 2071 member , 78 regiments and average kill 22000 opponents on a day?

That you could once find gold on a map?

External Links
Article on Military Alliances
Article on understanding the Military itself (Education)
Battle Orders!!!

Thanks for reading!
~TrogdortheTroll100 (Minister of Information)
~Mungos95 (Vice-Minister of Information)